DMR - Documents Movements Report

What is DMR

DMR is the document status reporting tool. It is used to report on the current status of any documents that have been entered either for immediate update of the ledgers or are in suspense until they are authorised. Documents can entered from many sources, manually via DOCENT and CASH (Document Entry and Cash Entry respectively) or autogenerated from trading procedures e.g. INVOICES, SETT. The important fact is that DMR cannot report on documents authorised/posted prior to today because the overnight housekeeping procedures clean the DMR and enter a DMR of posted documents into the OPRINT directory for long-term viewing. In this way the database is cleared but the information is still accessible. The number of old DMR files stored (i.e. number of past days) is a company decision.
A useful feature of DMR is to view the summary of outstanding documents where a one line summary is listed of each document.

How to use DMR

In order to use DMR you must first select all the report content details. Upon entry of the form, most fields and check boxes are enabled (the Level field in the Report Level frame is only enabled when the Summary type report is selected and the File Name field in the Output frame is only enabled if the selected output for the report is File).

Document type

There are three selections to be made to specify what documents you want included in the report. 1) The document reference type (e.g. PI = Purchase Invoice, TA = Temporary Amendment, etc), 2) The document status (e.g. posted, held authorised, etc), and 3) The document entry or amendment date range.
The combination of selections will be used as the criteria to build the report. It is to be noted that the selections work as a logical AND, only the documents that comply with all the specifications will appear on the report
Note: Posted and deleted documents are transferred daily from the document database to overnight files as part of day end procedures. It is for this reason that only the current day's posted and deleted documents can form part of a DMR report.