ERPIMP - Accounting Transfer From External Systems


This process is a specific requirement to pass CASH oriented information from SAP/JDE to ITAS.

The payment amount and all the documents assigned to that payment will be selected and passed via flat files so that ERPIMP can allocate the payment or receipt. The documents will be grouped together in a batch file and secured on a shared drive.
This import process is manually triggered to pick up the batch files from SAP and upload them to ITAS. Once selected the SAP file will be renamed from not processed to processed (file extension SI2 = non-processed and SI3 = processed). If a batch fails or is lost in SAP then the extract program in SAP needs to be rerun to create a batch file of the lost documents. A log is produced of successful and failed transaction requests.

Accounting Documents Available from External System to ITAS
  • Cash payments & receipts., includes matching and part payments - CI type
  • Reverse Cash payments & receipts., includes delete matching and rematch - EC type
  • FX rates
  • MAT request to match existing open items - CL type

Cash Record Layout
The record layout is:-
·         ITAS company code (2 characters)  e.g. tl
·         ITAS document reference (9 characters) e.g. SI0900001
·         Account Reference (11 characters). Note any postings to ITAS WIP accounts will be re-directed to their EXP/ NOM nominated account (see note 1)
·         Local Currency code (3 characters)  [only populated when single currency operation]
·         Local Currency Amount (18 characters) [only populated when single currency operation]
·         Foreign Currency code (3 characters) , standard ISO code
·         Foreign Currency Amount (18 characters), fixed implied 2 decimal places
·         Document date (8 characters - YYYYMMDD)  e.g. 20090529 = 29th May 2009
·         Value date (8 characters - YYYYMMDD)
·         Secondary document reference (9 characters)
·         VAT code (2 characters) – ITAS code e.g. S, Z3
·         Narrative (30 characters)
·         Original Document Reference (9 characters)
·         Accounting period (8 characters – YYYYMM32) e.g. 20090532 = May 2009
·         Initials of user who created the document (3 characters)
·         Optional (Refinery mode only), Location code (4 characters), Dept (4), EXP code (7) and Initials (3)
Each of these fields will be delimited by the character CHR(9). Credit amounts are signed with a leading ‘-‘ symbol.
When the file has been produced, it can be viewed and printed in its text form.
The content of some of these fields differs, according to S01 setup, see Note 2.

TRS interaction with SAP 

OPTIONAL, the DOCENT/FXE facility will be disabled for companies operating the SAP interface. The TRS deal will be processed by the interface when the deal is entered with FJ references and SAP forward accounting records used. The TRS deals will be matured in ITAS as usual but will create accounting records with FJ references that were implemented when the ITAS_SAP interface was initially operated. The TRS deal can not be amended in ITAS except for deletion.
1.     When a company is operating it’s WIP ledger as being a control in the PLR, the transfer account for postings in the WIP ledger is located from the EXP list applying it’s Nominal ledger account.
2.     When a company is operating Export and Import of TRADE details (ctrl02_sapinterface=T) , the SAP account for all WIP and NOM transactions is determined using the NOM account x alternative reference.

Contents of ERPIMP - Accounting Transfer From External Systems

  • ITAS GLI Layout

    The GLI import file contains accounting records that are imported into ITAS using ERPIMP. The GLI import is available to ITAS companies that have Operating Interface ‘GLI’ nominated in S01. The import file location is ...

  • ITAS JDE Import Layout

    ITAS to JDE Interface Process File Transmission File Content Document type to integer mapping table ITAS Document type to DCT document type mapping table Which interface and Record type Detail of Interface Records Control Record ...