POSTEL - Document Upload

What is POSTEL

POSTEL is the document upload program. It is used to create and zip printer files of system generated RTF documents – principally Invoices and Contract Advices.  There is a maintenance feature included in Upload to mark selected documents as not now being required for POSTEL dispatch. Highlight which documents and right-click for selected documents/remove upload flag.

The program is split into two sections:

a.      Upload New Documents

This section is used to select the documents awaiting upload to POSTEL. All documents marked as requiring this service in INVFEED and TRADE, but have, as yet, not been uploaded, will be displayed in the forms grid. By default all items are selected. Items can be selected/deselected by clicking the Inc? column. Once the selections have been made, the password for the upload site should be entered. Note that the site address and username are defaulted from the last time the service was used – if changed, the new values will be stored for next time. Click Upload File to start the process.
At this point, each of the RTF documents is printed to the aSpeedy printer to generate the PRN version. These are then zipped into a single file.
Errors will be generated if incorrect login information is entered, you are unable to connect to the site or if the connection is lost midway through the upload. If any of these conditions occur, the files will not be marked as uploaded.
If successful, the selected documents are marked as uploaded and removed from the list of available documents. If all documents were selected the form will close.

b.      Review Upload History

As the name suggests, this section displays a list of all the previously sent POSTEL zip files. By clicking the Docs column you can generate a report that will list the documents sent, and where they resided when the file was created.