CMYPRICES - Commodity Prices

What is

In the trading environment there is very little standard pricing because terms and conditions vary from deal to deal. However in the retail world, there is more consistency in selling with fewer terms so daily selling prices are often broadcast for outside viewing.

CMYPRICES can be used to maintain a selling price for any of the product/commodity codes setup in PHYSCODES.
The price could be used as a variance basis when entering new TRADE.
The price could be used for mark-to-market valuations.
The price can be used as a component price in building a B.O.M. product pricing.
CMYPRICES has a feature for automated calculation of selling prices of BOM nominated products. This procedure will only operate satisfactorily if all the PHYSCODES/Commodity codes have been setup with a price code
CMYPRICES is used for the manual entry/override of prices for any product.
Every price entered is secured for historical reporting and charting.  There are report features on each maintenance Grid.

Named Price Lists and Named Price Lists with Effective Date

A variation for securing day prices per commodity is this feature which allows the user to setup/name any number of Price Lists for specific tasks e.g. CLI/Call-Offs where need different Spot/Day selling prices. This process requires entry of the user defined Name whereby the full list of PHYSCODES/Commodity codes are presented in a grid ready for the Currency, Selling price and Price Code to be maintained. 
The option with Effective date only differs because a date is entered that will be applied in TRUCKSIN etc.  There is a right-click feature on the grid to ‘populate with current prices’.

Generate Named Price from Physicals

This process will populate a table (user named) with a list of Commodity codes and Position Month that have been collected according to the selections and filters applied on the TRADE database. Only Open status, non Brokerage and non 3rd party TRADE will be processed; this simulates the same collection process as VALUATION /entry. The user then needs to enter the prices using the Named Price Lists procedure and thereafter the Price Lists can be used in VALUATION to auto-populate the grid for valuation prices.


This process enables import of Named Price Records and is a subset of the PHYSCODES/Import procedure and needs a .txt input, tab delimited and structured correctly with cmy10 named heading row. See help on the form.


This process will create .txt (tab delimited) file of Named Price Records in the same form as the Import process needs.