SAE - Broker Settlement Entry
What is SAE
SAE is the settlement advice entry program. It is used to manually enter broker settlement advices. These are the terminal trading documents used to post the settlement results (futures and options) from your brokers recaps, unless you are operating a full futures/options trading system with dual entry of both client and broker trade positions, in which case the BSETT process will generate the SA automatically. SA documents complement the client settlement entries (DA documents) with the dual entry controlling the timing differences in a two-settlement system, yours and the brokers.
Posting to the ledgers is possible if the user has sufficient privilege. The main details needed for describing the settlement (commodity, option type, settlement amount, settlement and fees account, suspense account, document date, value date, department, etc) are entered here. Upon complete entry, ITAS generates a unique document reference commencing with the letters SA to identify it as a broker settlement document.