FREEZE - Freeze Trading Databases


What is

This procedure is used to take a snap-shot of all the trading databases for any specified date/period. This is needed to facilitate ease of processing for the financial management to produce their period accounts. The trading/execution departments continue with their daily tasks on the current database and the frozen positions are used for the period-end analysis or even Daily FREEZE.
The cutoff will usually be a month-end but any date can be used e.g. weekly freeze on a Friday. Hivedome can setup automated FREEZE task to occur on end of first working day of month, at close of Friday business etc.
All the entities on a server can be configured to secure AUDIT triggers on the FREEZE data tables; this is achieved by nominating the table in IDD/Audit Objects /Freeze triggers = ticked.
When the FREEZE is activated, if a previous freeze for the same date has been actioned, there will be a warning message with the option to abort.


Roll back procedures actioned are:-
1) Remove the TRADE, TERM, TRS, SHARE new business that is contract/trade dated after the cut-off date.  This will process any TRADE that has been allocated to the deleted new business whereby that TRADE will be de-allocated. 
2) Remove TRADE Price fixing that is dated after cut-off date
3) Remove TRADE Invoice Markings dated after cut-off date. This will also remove any sale invoice data from the allocated Purchase trades
4) If Entity is operating 'Transfer Of Risk' (ctrl02_xferofrisk), the following dates are rolled back:  BL Date, Arrival Date, WareHouse Date, Release Date, Delivery Date and the Trade and Sales Title Transfer date. The rollback of the TTD will affect the TRADE allocation rollback.
5) Remove TRADE allocation details dated after cut-off date. This removes the allocation reference and date on both purchase and sale BUT it will not reinstate previous traffic details e.g. Shipping Status.  Allocations to bulk stock/blends are rolled back as well.
6)  Remove TRADE Costs Invoice Markings dated after cut-off date.
7) Remove TRADE Commission Invoice Markings dated after cut-off date.
8) Remove TRS/FX maturity markings if dated after cut-off date
9) Remove fact06 intakes if dated after cut-off. Update fact06 sales if delivered after cut-off date
10) Re-open WIP accounts that have been closed after cut-off date. There is specialist processes for re-building WIP x STOCK account balances and analysis data.
11) Cotton Storage values are recalculated as at cutoff date.
12) STORINV storage costs that have been invoiced after cutoff date


There is a CMP/Privilege (REMOVE).  If an ITAS server is setup with this privilege and an user is granted that privilege, that user will be offered a button to delete a selected dates FREEZE tables. This is useful for System Management to remove FREEZE tables where there has been a malfunction in the securing of the 100+ tables e.g. Database failure due to insufficient capacity.
Note 1: The main FREEZE tables (phys, cna50, fut, trs) can be setup with AUDIT triggers. This enables selective AUDIT view/objects to pick the FREEZE tables they wish to view AUDIT changes, especially useful when TRADEV and WIPV have been applied subsequent to FREEZE
Note 2: When configuration ctrl33_stockcosts=Y, the PHYSCODES/Cost Matrix data is also a subject of FREEZE. [3Q19] 
Note 3: SHARE procedure allows for it’s independent FREEZE which can be used to supersede the snap shot provided by FREEZE.
Note 4: Selective Entity configurations enable the securing of selected TRADE values on the phys01ab record per contract split (RECALC)
a) ctrl02_xferofrisk = T, P or G 
b) ctrl30_uscotton = "Y" And ctrl30_accrueflag = 3 
Fields populated are 
cnval1 = Contract value in Reporting Ccy units  
costs1 = total Costs value in Reporting Ccy units  
comsn1 = Total Commission value in Reporting Ccy units  
pol1 = Sugar Polarisation value in Reporting Ccy units  
mktval1 = M2M value in Reporting Ccy units  
carryval1 = Carry Costs value in Reporting Ccy units  (only enabled when ctrl30_carrystyle='T'rade or Cotton operation).
cnval2 = Contract value in FRS23/IAS21 2nd Ccy units  
costs2 = total Costs value in FRS23/IAS21 2nd  Ccy units  
comsn2 = Total Commission value in FRS23/IAS21 2nd  Ccy units  
pol2 = Sugar Polarisation value in FRS23/IAS21 2nd  Ccy units  
mktval2 = M2M value in FRS23/IAS21 2nd  Ccy units  
carryval2 = Carry Costs value in FRS23/IAS21 2nd Ccy units  (only enabled when ctrl30_carrystyle='T'rade or Cotton operation).
invval1 = Invoiced value in Reporting Ccy units
invval2 = Invoiced value in FRS23/IAS21 2nd  Ccy units
mktpol1 = M2M Sugar Polarisation value in Reporting Ccy units
mktpol2 = M2M Sugar Polarisation value in FRS23/IAS21 2nd  Ccy units
cnpriced1 = Priced MT contract value in Reporting Ccy units (Cotton operation only)
cnunpriced1 = Un-Priced MT contract value in Reporting Ccy units (Cotton operation only)
items included may2021, see note below for how FX rates are applied
cnval3 = Contract value in Contract/Settlement Ccy units  
cnpolval3 = Contract +Polarisation value in Contract/Settlement Ccy units  
cnval3ccy = Ccy code for Contract/Settlement values
polperc = Pol uplift e.g. 3.75 when 99 pol result
cnvalfxr = Contract value in Reporting Ccy units when applied FX rates per cutoff date
polfxr = Sugar Polarisation value in Reporting Ccy units  when applied FX rates per cutoff date
costsfxr = total Costs value in Reporting Ccy units when applied FX rates per cutoff date
comsnfxr = Total Commission value in Reporting Ccy units when applied FX rates per cutoff date
invvalfxr = Invoiced value in Reporting Ccy units when applied FX rates per cutoff date
mktvalfxr = M2M value in Reporting Ccy units  when applied FX rates per cutoff date
mktpolfxr = M2M Sugar Polarisation value in Reporting Ccy units when applied FX rates per cutoff date
Note  FX rates application; .....