CONVAL - Contract Value calculator

What is 

The purpose of this process is to provide periodic updates of the TRADE x phys01_conval field when a TRADE is NOT fully priced.

The reason for the procedure is because when a TRADE is not fully priced i.e. waiting for final hedge pricing elements, the TRADE value = zero; and non ITAS applications accessing the database often need a recent view of the value.

This process will update that field with the then current value including the F&O Premium/Discount. 
The proces will NOT include any Sugar polarisation nor additional quality adjustments.

Another feature of the process is to always update phys01_impduty to reflect the current full adjusted value of the tonnage i.e. includes value, polarisation, additional quality adjustments, commissions and costs.

Only Open status TRADES which are not 3rd party nor Brokerage will be included in the program filtering