The Cost Star schema is designed to hold data across all your costs. This reporting star contains information on Supplier, Price, Currency, Contracts, Polarisation and Rates, and predominantly reads the phys03 Heritage table for Costs and the phys02 Heritage table for Commissions.
There is also a possibility that your frozen data can be imported into the star, at an additional cost.
Below is an example query that will select all of the available data from the fact and associated dimension tables.
SELECT dbo.FactCost.RecStart, dbo.FactCost.RecEnd, dbo.FactCost.Code, dbo.FactCost.PayRec, dbo.FactCost.RateAmount, dbo.FactCost.RateType,
dbo.FactCost.Uni, dbo.FactCost.RoeType, dbo.FactCost.Roe, dbo.FactCost.Pl, dbo.FactCost.PercentActual, dbo.FactCost.MDate,
dbo.FactCost.InvQty, dbo.FactCost.DocValue, dbo.FactCost.DocRef, dbo.FactCost.Type, dbo.FactCost.Pole, dbo.FactCost.DocDate,
dbo.FactCost.OrigRateAmount, dbo.DimCompany.SiteCode, dbo.DimCompany.CompanyCode, dbo.DimCompany.CompanyName,
dbo.DimCcy.Ccy AS CcyCode, dbo.DimCcy.Descr AS CcyDescr, dbo.DimAccount.Acc AS BrokerSupplierAccount,
dbo.DimAccount.Title AS BrokerSupplierTitle, dbo.DimUnit.Code AS WeightCode, dbo.DimUnit.Descr AS WeightCodeDescr,
dbo.DimUnit.Conversion AS WeightCodeConversion, dbo.DimUnit.Plc AS WeightCodePlc, dbo.DimCollection.Contract,
dbo.DimCollection.ContractType, dbo.DimTerms.Terms AS PriceCode, dbo.DimTerms.Descr AS PriceCodeDescr
FROM dbo.FactCost
INNER JOIN dbo. DimCompany ON dbo.FactCost.CompanyKey = dbo.DimCompany.CompanyKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCcy ON dbo.FactCost.CcyKey = dbo.DimCcy.CcyKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimAccount ON dbo.FactCost.BrokerSupplierKey = dbo.DimAccount.AccountKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimUnit ON dbo.FactCost.WtCodeKey = dbo.DimUnit.UnitKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCollection ON dbo.FactCost.ContractKey = dbo.DimCollection.CollectionKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimTerms ON dbo.FactCost.PriceCodeKey = dbo.DimTerms.TermsKey