The Physical Valuation star is also an ‘accumulating snapshot schema’ meaning it stores data over time. The data held in this star cannot be found anywhere else in ITAS because the values are generated via the business logic as they are saved. This is a significant shift in approach from Hivedome and is highly valued by our clients as it means that positions can be reported on over time to (for example) compare positions over years, quarters of months.
As with the Physical Contract star, data across all Trading Entities is saved in the same star, and predominantly reads the phys01 Heritage table.
There is also a possibility that your frozen data can be imported into the star, at an additional cost.
The Star contains seven sets of valuation data linked to: Contract, Trading Entity, Department, Currency, Date and Time. The seven sets of data include:
Contract Value
Total Contract Costs Value
Commission Value
Polarisation Value
Market Value
F&O Value
FX Value
These seven sets of data are available in three different currency values (making twenty one data points per entry):
PnL = Contract P&L currency i.e. phys01_roeccy
Contract = contract currency i.e. phys01_ccy
Functional = company primary reporting currency i.e. ctrl02_ccy
So as an example the Total Contract Costs Value included three values:
Below is an example query that will select all of the available data from the fact and associated dimension tables.
SELECT dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.RecStart, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.RecEnd, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.ConValPnl, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.ConValContract,
dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.ConValFunctional1, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.CostValPnL, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.CostValContract, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.CostValFunctional1,
dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.ComsnValPnL, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.ComsnValContract, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.ComsnValFunctional1, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.PolValPnl, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.PolValContract, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.PolValFunctional1, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.MktValPnL, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.MktValContract,
dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.MktValFunctional1, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.FOPnL, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.FOContract, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.FOFunctional1,
dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.FXPnL, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.FXContract, dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.FXFunctional1, dbo.DimContract.Contract, dbo.DimContract.ContractType,
DimAccCounterparty.Acc AS CounterpartyAccount, DimAccCounterparty.Title AS CounterpartyTitle, DimAccTrader.Title AS TraderTitle, dbo.DimCompany.SiteCode
dbo.DimCompany.CompanyCode, dboDimCompany.CompanyName, dbo.DimDept.Dept, dbo.DimDept.Descr, dbo.DimCommodity.Commod, dbo.DimCommodity.Origin,
dbo.DimCommodity.Grade, dbo.DimCommodity.Code4, dbo.DimCommodity.Code5, dbo.DimCommodity.Ctry AS CommodityCtry, dbo.DimCommodity.Descr AS CommodityDescr,
dboDimCtry.Ctry AS CommodityCtryCode, dbo.DimCtry.Descr AS CommodityCtryDescr, dbo.DimCtry.ISOCode AS CommodityCtryISO, DimCcyPnlCcy AS PnLCcyCode,
DimCcyPnLDescr AS PnLCcyDescr, DimCcyContractCcy AS ContractCcyCode, DimCcyContractDescr AS ContractCcyDescr, DimCcyFunctionalCcy AS FunctionalCcyCode,
DimCcyFunctionalDescr AS FunctionalCcyDescr, DimAccTrader.Acc AS TraderAcc
FROM dbo.FactPhysicalValuation
INNER JOIN dbo.DimContract ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.ContractKey = dbo.DimContract.ContractKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimAccount AS DimAccCounterparty ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.CounterpartyKey = DimAccCounterparty.AccountKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimAccount AS DimAccTrader ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.TraderKey = DimAccTrader.AccountKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCompany ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.CompanyKey = dbo.DimCompany.CompanyKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimDept ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.DepartmentKey = dbo.DimDept.DeptKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCommodity ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.CommodityKey = dbo.DimCommodity.CommodityKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCtry ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.CommodityCtryKey = dbo.DimCtry.CtryKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCcy AS DimCcyPnL ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.PnLCcyKey = DimCcyPnL.CcyKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCcy AS DimCcyContract ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.ContractCcyKey = DimCcyContract.CcyKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCcy AS DimCcyFunctional ON dbo.FactPhysicalValuation.Functional1CcyKey = DimCcyFunctional.CcyKey