The Homepage is a user-configurable area for pinning Applications, documents and other links to regularly used items
The Data Entity Grids enable users to directly view, filter and search data held across various entities
The Flyout Menu provides an alternative route to Trading Entities and their associated Menu Items.
Trading Entities enables the navigation of operating units, these can be a department, a division, a profit centre or the entire PLC.
This section gives access to various document stores, both personal and company-wide (through Document Management services).
Emails containing reports, and other attachments can be sent direct from menu options within ITAS and a record of the event can be viewed in Sent Emails .
The ITAS Smart Panel provides users with a free-floating ITAS control tool that contains information relating to the use of ITAS.
Allows self-service selection of Alerts and Notifications to receive including various options on filtering and method of delivery
The Reporting Database has been created as an alternative to the ITAS Operational Database and is specifically designed for reading transactional data.