DevOps Platforms

Concept Overview

DevOps is a software development methodology that combines software development with information ​technology operations. The goal of DevOps is to shorten the systems development life cycle while ​also delivering features, fixes, and updates frequently in close alignment with business objectives.

A DevOps Platform is a shared, online resource for managing projects that involve ITAS (Subscription) Services. It is used by Business Analysts and Users, IT, and Platform and Software Engineers to allow collaboration on projects that go beyond Change Requests to existing, or for new, ITAS Applications. This can include discussing something as simple as the construction of a request to the Data Query Service (DQS) through to designing complex Solutions involving multiple components or workflows.

NOTE: This resource is only available to clients who subscribe to either Enterprise or Premium Services packages

Platform Overview

The platform is hosted by Hivedome and provided by Microsoft Teams, itself built on Office 365 groups, Office Graph, and the same enterprise-level security, compliance, and manageability as the rest of Office 365. Teams leverages identities stored in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).

As part of a Team there is an associated :

The aim is to improve collaboration between all streams of operation within both Hivedome and it's key partners. Analysis, development and support on a single platform. 

Existing client engagement tools such as Trello (Development Boards) and Zendesk (Ticket Management) are fully integrated to provide a one-stop-shop, with notifications being processed through a Team-wide conversations area. 

Platform Components


Notifications feed from connected services (e.g. new Zendesk ticket created, Project added, comments on Trello cards). 


Sharepoint file system available for uploading documents, attaching to Projects or pinning to Tab bar.


Sharepoint home page for pinning important files or information, adding news items, release notes or known issues.

Project Planner

Board dedicated to managing Projects, linking documentation, conversations, plans and status, and grouped by technical/service (see Using the Projects Planner).

Developments Board (Trello)

Board dedicated to managing Change Requests / Tasks (see Client Development Boards). 


Link to Zendesk portal which can be configured to list open tickets.

This is just one example of an application/service that can be integrated into the Platform either through customisation of the tabs or through the Home page content.


Contents of DevOps Platforms (1)

  • Project Planner

    Utilising Microsoft Planner this online resource can be used to define Projects to be undertaken

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