Trader Desktop
Updates to Existing Features
- PBI 17236 - Trading Entity Management Updates
- PBI 17227 - Add 'Assign Trading Entity' icon to user maintenance ribbon
- PBI 17209 - User Maintenance Updates
Bug Fixes:
- PBI 17336 - CTRL + M Displayed multiple select Just this Split/All Header documents confirmation windows via TRADE.
- PBI 14683 - TradingEntityIds argument is an enumeration with no elements
- PBI 17433 - GF tiles not opening application
Updates to Existing Features
- PBI 16916 - Unindexed Grid select missing Trading Entity with single click
- PBI 17031 - Unindexed Grid select doc type with single click
- PBI 17032 - Unindexed Grid Highlight mandatory fields based on selected doc type
- PBI 17033 - Unindexed Grid Highlight row when all mandatory fields are completed
- PBI 17034 - Unindexed Grid CTRL + F function on all cells
Updates to Existing Features
- PBI 17221 - Alerts Admin Grid updates
- PBI 17249 - My Alerts Grid updates
ITAS Client Services API
With this release DQS Entities has had a major version update to v9 which includes breaking changes to standardise property names and objects, it also includes some new and updated Entities:
- Breaking Changes:
- PhysicalTradePrePayRequest:
- 'RateOfExchangeType' now an Enum type with values of 'Divide', 'Multiply' and 'None'
- 'InstructionReference' amended to 'DocumentReference'.
- 'ContractReference' amended to 'PhysicalTradeId'.
- Counterparty amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- ClientBankAccount: InterfaceClient amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- ClientCreditRisk: InsuranceCompany amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- ClientDiverse:
- InterCoAccount amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- InterCoBroker amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- InterCoOtherAccount amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- InterCoOtherBroker amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- NominalAccountCFDI Amended to NominalAccount Object
- ClientTradingControl
- DefaultAgentAccount amended to ClientAccountBase Object
DefaultFXBroker amended to ClientAccountBase Object
FXBank amended to NominalAccount Object
FXIntroductoryAgent amended to ClientAccountBase Object
GiveUpBroker amended to ClientAccountBase Object
HeadOfEquityFamily amended to ClientAccountBase Object
HeadOfInterestFamily amended to ClientAccountBase Object
LoansBank amended to NominalAccount Object
NominalLedgerForOverdraftBank amended to NominalAccount Object
OpenEquityAccount amended to NominalAccount Object
TermAccountBroker amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- ClientCommon:
- Broker amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- HeadOfFamilyAccountCode amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- NominalAccount amended to NominalAccount Object
- AdditionalInvDetail: SetUpBy amended to CreatedByCode
- Commodity: CountryId amended to CountryCode
- Department:
- NominalCategoryId amended to NominalCategoryCode
- CountryId amended to CountryCode
- FutureAndOption:
- Code amended to TradeCodeId and Trade Object amended to TradeCode
- PhysRef amended to PhysicalTradeCode
- Account amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- Broker amended to ClientAccountBaseObject
- FloorBroker amended to ClientAccountBaseObject
- PhysicalTradeShipment: ContractId amended to PhysicalTradeId
- PhysicalTradeCommission:
- ContractIdAmended to PhysicalTradeId
- AccountId amended to AgentAccountCode
- AgentAccount amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- PostedTransaction:
- Key property names amended from TxxAccount, TxxCurrency, TxxPeriod, TxxPostdate, TxxPosttime to AccountCode, DocumentCurrencyCode, AccountingPeriod, PostingDate, PostingTime
- BranchId amended to BranchCode
- Branch amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- CreatorId amended to CreatedByCode and Creator Object amended to CreatedBy
- DepartmentId amended to DepartmentCode
- CurrencyCode amended to DocumentCurrencyId
- ExpenseId amended to ExpenseCode
- PaymentTermId amended to PaymentTermCode
- VatRateId amended to VatRateCode
- MarketReference amended to InstrumentCode
- StockBatch:
- StockUnitId amended to StockUnitCode
- BatchOwnerCode amended to ClientAccountBase
- Terminal: CountryId amended to CountryCode
- TransactionPhysicalTrade:
- BillOfLandingDate amended to BillOfLadingDate
- BillOfLandingReference amended to BillOfLadingReference
- DepartmentId amended to DepartmentCode
- SectorId amended to MarketSectorCode
- ReportingGroupId amended to ReportingGroupCode
- TerminalId amended to TerminalCode
- UserAccountId amended to TraderCode
- PortId amended to WarehouseLocationCode
- AccountId amended to WarehouseCode
- Counterperty amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- Warehouse amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- Treasury:
- AccountId amended to AccountCode
- BankAccountId amended to BankAccountCode
- BrokerId amended to BrokerCode
- CurrencyId amended to CurrencyCode
- DepartmentId amended to DepartmentCode
- ProfitAndLossAccountId Amended to ProfitAndLossAccountCode
- SettleBankAccountId amended to SettleBankAccountCode
- SettleCurrencyId amended to SettleCurrencyCode
- BrokerAccount amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- BankAccount amended to NominalAccount Object
- ProfitAndLossAccount amended to NominalAccount Object
- SettleBankAccount amended to NominalAccount Object
- UnPostedTransactionHead
- AssociateClientId amended to AssociateClientCode
- BrokerId amended to BrokerCode
- ClientToPayId amended to ClientToPayCode
- AssociateClient amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- Broker amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- ClientToPay amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- UnPostedTransactionLeg:
- AssociateClientId amended to AssociateClientCode
- AssociateClient amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- SourceClientOfExpense amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- StockUnit:
- NominalAccount amended to NominalAccount Object
- StockOwner amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- WIPAccount: NominalAccount amended to NominalAccount Object
- Charter:
- NominalAccount amended to NominalAccount Object
- ShippingLine amended to ClientAccountBase Object
- CashCFDIHeader:
- Counterparty amended to ClientAccountBase Object
New Features
- PBI 16941 - DQS Entity Additions
New Entities
- PhysicalTradeCashPriorRelease
- PhysicalTradeSelfInvoice
- PhysicalTradeCustomsDecl
- PhysicalTradeCustomsDocument
- PhysicalTradePrePayment
- PhysicalTradePrePayReversedDoc
- PhysicalTradePrePayReversalDoc
- PhysicalsConfiguration
- QualityDetail
- AnalysisType
- AnalysisOption
- PhysicalTradeFerrousSpec
- PhysicalTradeFerrousDetail
- EndUse
- ValuationPeriod
- UnitOfMeasure
Updated Entities
- PhysicalTradePrePayRequest
- PriceFixingConfiguration
- PhysicalTradeInvoice
- ClientMiscellanea
- PhysicalTradeSample
- StockUnit
- CostHeading
- DocmanDocument
- PhysicalTradeMain