EODPO/EODPOK Overnight (DEP Batch) activation

This process will request the overnight activation of EODPO and EODPOK when the relevant command has been configured in DEP.txt (by Hivedome), see below, especially the /EODACT=Y command

The execution of the DEP process will only proceed when EODACT has been requested.  If the overnight has been requested, it can be cancelled using the same process; note the caption on the button changes from 'Click to Request' to 'Click to Cancel Request'

If there is no frozen EOD database, a message will be displayed and the EODACT is aborted

If the accounting period of the latest frozen EOD database is closed; there will be a warning with the option to abort.
If any formal EOD reports (i.e. with postings) for the latest frozen EOD database have been run; there will be a warning with the option to abort.

The overnight run uses the latest FREEZE database; which may be different to the latest frozen database at the time of running EODACT. This will be the situation if daily FREEZE is executed in the overnight; an auto FREEZE must proceed the EOD procedure.

Sample batch command line:
C:\Itas\Exec\e\e68 MenuBatch xx DEP /Report=EODPO /Postings=N /REPORTFORMAT=Irp,Csv /ReportTypes=REALISEDPHYS, STKMOVE /EOACT=Y
If /Posting switch is absent effect is No postings
If /ReportFormat switch is absent report is .IRP. Reports are stored in OPRINT.
If /ReportTypes switch is absent all reports are executed
if /EOACT switch is absent, the EODACT x ctrl02 request is NOT applied i.e. will always execute the batch
The /Report switch may be EODPO or EODPOK


CMP Privilege 'EODACT/EOD' can be configured on the server for User accreditation. 


Alert 2-260 is issued on completion of the overnight run.
Alert 2-261 is issued if a report can not be run e.g. the formal report for that date/month has already been run.