PORDER - Purchase Orders (non-TRADE)

What is

PORDER is used to maintain Purchase Orders. These can be associated with a PROJ (Projects) or GL (NOM) B/s or P&L accounts
A set of summary data is maintained with a detail grid for components of the order.

Workflow for PORDER

When a company operates Asset Style "Alternative PORDER" (ctrl30_assetstyle = "U"), users can nominate who will confirm and authorise this PO. This allows PO maintenance for the workflow:

  • User creates new purchase order with option to generate documents [DOCDES].
  • User edits existing purchase order and enters initials of user to authorise and user to confirm. An automated email will be sent to the user to authorise containing the previously generated forms if available and advising them to authorise the PO.
  • Once the authoriser has authorised the PO, an email is sent to the confirmer notifying them that the PO has been authorised and is now ready to be confirmed.
Once the confirmer has confirmed the PO, the authoriser, creator and budget holder are emailed notifying them that the PO has been confirmed so the creator can now process the order with the vendor.

What is POINV

POINV is the invoicing module for PORDER, which in turn can create ASSET registry items. Includes e-Invoicing, where relevant

What is PROJ

(Projects - cna50 style structure)

Simple data setup of a Project e.g. build a Tank/Silo. Transactional data can be attached by use of PORDER and POINV.

FX deals can be linked to a project using the P&L account entered in TRS

Capitalisation (CMP/Privilege controlled) can be actioned to sell/capitalise accounting into Assets Register and PLR --> BAL transfer.

Technical items.

1) Create the control account for project accounts and the default NOM PLR and NOM BAL accounts in NOM
2) Create the default expense code in EXP and nominate it in EXP/Maintain control expense codes.
3) Nominate the projects control account in S01/ Nominated Accounts
4) Enter the other set up info in S01/Project & PO details.
5) Need the Docman folder  ‘PURCHORDERS ‘ (setup from S01/tables & procedures or DOCMAN)
6) In DOCDES, Create PO folders and link to the PORDER menu option. Sample template below.

Purchase Order No: [por01_no]
Description:   [por01_descr]
Order Date:    [por01_orderdate]
Supplier         [por01_supplier*chr20_title]
Order Details
Product Code
Product Description
No. of Units
Unit price [por01_ccy]
Amount [por01_ccy]
[por02_amt*dp=2] <ENDRPTpor02>


VAT     [vat_amount]
Total     [balance]

Note 1: Vat_amount is calculated using code /rate from main form applied to [por01_totamt]
Note 2: [balance] =  [por01_totamt] + [vat_amount] with the PORDER currency code determining the number of decimal places
Note 3: the DOCDES rule *dotcomma can be applied on any of these numerical value results e.g. [balance*dotcomma]  [por01_totamt*dp=2*dotcomma]

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