DSCTTL - Place Holder
DSCTTL - Date Selected Control Transaction List
What is
DSCTTL provides accounting transaction lists for analysis of the Client and General Ledgers.
The report styles are user defined.
Columns may be taken from the txx (transactions), vld99 (title), nhr20 (account characteristics), phys01 (linked contract details) tables.
Brought Forward Balances may be included. These are the sum of transactions prior to the start of the entered accounting period which match the document and general transaction filters.
Client transactions use control accounts for reporting as follows:-
- For F&O trading accounts (.T), the GL account is the Control (S01) Terminal ledger (debtors) account
- If the transactions' expense code has a nominated (EXP) Client Control account (cmy101_clictrl), then that account is used
- If the client is a Group account and the document type is SI, CI or DN AND the account has a nominated receivables account (chr75_acbsreceivables) then that account is used, otherwise the nominated (S01) Inter-company receivables account is used
- If the client is a Group account and the document type is NOT SI, CI or DN AND the account has a nominated payables account (chr75_acbspayables) then that account is used, otherwise the nominated (S01) Inter-company payables account is used
- If criteria 1-4 above is not applicable. If the document type is SI, CI or DN then the (S01) Client Debtors nominated account is used, else the nominated (S01) Client Creditors account is used.
When output is to a grid, the layout may be changed. Other output media are standard Report or to a CSV export file which will be secured in the ITAS user personal folder.