This process is very specific and customised interface to enable import of new CLI accounts and some restricted subsequent amendmen.t
The technical name is ITASCLIAMEND, which is configured to operate under IIS. The ITAS MDM Web service is a .Net service that runs independent of ITAS. It is hosted by Internet Information Services (IIS) running on any Operating Company server.
The service receives XML messages from the CMS software to maintain client and client bank accounts. Success or failure messages are sent back to the CMS application.
The web service accepts 2 types of message:
1. AmendClient
2. AmendBank
Amend Client Interface
The XML data sent to the web service consists of:
1. ITASComp: ITAS operating entity mnemonic.
2. operation: operation to perform: “create”, “amend”, “status” (toggle open/frozen status) or “delete”.
3. cliData: the client data to be maintained (see below)
The client data that can be amended includes the following fields. They are all free-format except where specified below:
1. Account. For new accounts this can be left blank or own code supplied.
2. Title , max 200
3. Addr1, max 60
4. Addr2, max 60
5. Addr3, max 60
6. Addr4, max 60
7. ZipCode, max 40
8. Province. This is validated with CLICODES/provinces.
9. Ctry. This is validated with COUNTRIES
10. EDIAddr. This has to be unique.
11. PhoneNo , max 40
12. FaxNo , max 40
13. InvTitle , max 200
14. InvAddr1 , max 60
15. InvAddr2 , max 60
16. InvAddr3 , max 60
17. CanBeABuyer Y or blank
18. CanBeASeller Y or blank
19. CanBeAShipper Y or blank
20. CanBeAWarehouse Y or blank
21. CanBeAAgent Y or blank
22. CanBeADistributor Y or blank
23. CanBeAHaulier Y or blank
24. CanBeAMill Y or blank
25. CanBeATermClient Y or blank
26. CanBeATermBroker Y or blank
27. CanBeAGiveUp Y or blank
28. Group Y or blank
29. CanBeADelClient Y or blank
30. CanBeA3rdParty Y or blank
31. CanBeABank Y or blank
32. CanBeAIntroBroker Y or blank
33. FXBroker Y or blank
34. CanBeAService Y or blank
35. CanBeAssociation Y or blank
36. CanBeAForwarder Y or blank
37. CanBeAController Y or blank
38. CanBeAProjectSponsor Y or blank
39. CanBeAProjectManager Y or blank
40. CanBeAContractor Y or blank
Amend Bank Interface
This is similar to the Amend Client interface. The XML data sent to the web service consists of:
1. ITASComp: ITAS operating entity mnemonic.
2. operation: operation to perform: “create”, “amend”, or “delete”.
3. cliData: the client data to be maintained (see below)
The bank data that can be maintained is:
1. Bank Name, max 40
2. Bank Account, max 34
3. PIC (this is the SWIFT code)
Bank name and account number must be unique per account.