CSP - Client Statements

What is CSP

Statements can be produced on a regular or ad-hoc basis for any CLI account. The CLI account must be setup as statements are wanted before CSP will produce them. The statement style is fixed, but Hivedome can reorganise the row content on the left side of the statement i.e. Dates, References. Selections allow for filtering, some alternate sequencing of the transactions and some additional presentation content e.g. overdue analysis.

Reminder letters operate in a similar mode to statement production, selection of date and filtering but the letter content is maintained and selected by the user.  The content is maintained in TEXT, with a group code of ‘CSP’.  There can be any number of content texts that will be available for choice of degree of ‘irritation’.

An operational consideration for both styles is to use the correct company logo, header and footers.
These are maintained centrally, by Hivedome, in S01/Miscellaneous.

There are many forms of output media for these forms:
a)   screen preview and ability to use the advanced print features afterwards
b)   direct to printer
c)   direct to file in personal documents (highest level directory)
d)   apply the CLI static ‘default system generated output media’.  This can be set as print or email (CLI/Miscellaneous). The email addressing will be located from the CLI profile.
e)   PDF/Email (Only Statements production). Feature enabled if User has PDF Writer activated in their Navigator Profile. This mode will creatw a  .pdf in the DOCMAN / Statements folder and IF the Counter Party profile has maintained its Email address, a email will be sent to the SMTP server.
   f)    DOCDES Template (Only Reminder Letters).  Only ONE account can be selected when DOCDES style being applied.

To produce email readable forms, the standard  ITAS report style is converted to Word, optionally using the statement.dot template (Company/Templates) or the S01/Miscellaneous logo/footer/headers.