Frequently Asked Questions


Why are some Costs not found/shown in grid after the search?
TRADE costs can be marked to indicate that ‘No Actualisation’ is expected whereby those cost estimates will not be included in searches by INVDIRECT. Another reason is the WIP account associated with the TRADE is not OPEN status. The Cost may have been previously selected for a Group Invdirect process!
How can costs be posted if there is no available WIP?
The situation can be that the company is operating WIP x Purchase accounts and a cost is assigned to a Sale and the Sale is not yet allocated and the Sale cost needs to be actualized/booked. Use the ‘Other account’ on the 1st screen for the contra posting, the entries in that account will then need to be removed to their correct account, when known. Suggestion is to have different NOM Suspense accounts for different expense types.  See TERM for similar sub-system where F&O settlement/commissions need to be redirected
How can Credit notes be entered for Costs?
An option is to use INVDIRECT to reverse the original invoice and then re-do the Invoice with the adjusted value, probably not a suitable option!
Alternatively use New/Recurring mode of INVDIRECT to enter the receivable and thereby generate a new Cost estimate (Credit note) for the receivable value and create the appropriate accounting entries.

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