For enterprise level commodity trading operations, a fundamental requirement is to share data across a variety of systems, for example risk, financial or CRM.
Data Query Service (DQS) is a powerful REST compliant API interface enabling you to read data using a simple query language (GraphQL).
Create your own queries to return data on any ITAS Data Entity e.g. Client, Trade, Vessel, Cost, Document Reference etc. This technology is designed around the relationships between the Entities to enable a more sophisticated data search capability.
* ITAS Database tables require mapping to Data Entities before they can be used via this service
DQS has the ability to query an entity for one record (singular entity name), or a list of records (pluralised entity name), the query body is of Content-Type plain/text, but in a format that is based on Json.
Example Query for one record (singular entity name):
{ Department(TradingEntityId : "qa", DepartmentId: "9900") { DepartmentId DepartmentDescription } } |
Example Query for a list of records (pluralised entity name):
{ Departments(TradingEntityIds : ["qa", "jt"]) { TradingEntityId DepartmentId DepartmentDescription } } |
As seen in the list example above, you can also provide a comma separated list of Trading Entities to query over.
Example Query of how to access objects within an Entity:
{ Departments(TradingEntityIds : ["qa"]) { TradingEntityId DepartmentId NominalCategory{ NominalCategoryId NominalGroup } } } |
Full Documentation on querying with OData can be found here. Link
curr: Currencies
currid: CurrencyCode
The Security through JWT type Bearer Tokens, is the same as we have been using for the ITAS API. The OWIN Open Source specification and Katana components are built and released by Microsoft. This is highly secure as the tokens are not held in config and enable Role-based authentication.
Applying the security is fairly simple as clients just need to include a header with every request, called "Authorization" with a value of "bearer" plus the token provided by the Hivedome support team during registration.
DQS OData Support - OData defines a system of querystring options that can help construct complicated queries to get the resource you want. As an architecture that's built on top of the current features of the Web, IDQS support OData query strings. OData (Open Data Protocol) is an OASIS Standard that defines best practice for building and consuming RESTful APIs.