Support Codes


This section contains applications used to maintain Support Codes (reference data) for the Financial Management Module.

Contents of Support Codes

  • CLICODES - Client Ledger

    What is ITAS is a codes oriented design and codes very specific to CLI (client profiles) are maintained using CLICODES. If an ITAS configuration is operating several ITAS entities (companies) on the same ITAS server, ...

  • DEPT - Departments

    What is DEPT is the department code maintenance program. It is used to create, amend and delete. Department codes allow for the segregation of business sectors, a significant operational feature in ITAS, the code can ...

  • ECCODES - EC Statistic

    What is The Intra-Statistics and EC Sales reports that are to be produced by ITAS need the EC specific codes for products, services, ports, methods of delivery etc as opposed to the commercial codes used ...

  • EXP - Expenses

    What is EXP It is part of the CODES subsystem and is used to create, amend and delete the Expense type of code. Codes can also be marked as ’frozen/inactive’ in restrict their use in ...

  • NOSTRO - Nostro Accounts

    What is This procedure is a simple list of currency codes that associate a Nominal ledger account for the purpose of handling settlement/liquidation of FX trades in the TRS program. The account would be defaulted ...


    What is VAT VAT is the value added tax (General Sales Tax) code maintenance program. It is part of the CODES subsystem and is used to created, amend and delete this particular type of code. ...

  • VESSEL - Vessel Static

    See Also Stock Trace Administration What is This is a maintenance procedure for recording details of a vessel, mainly for the purpose of providing documentation for a charter and assisting traffic/logistics personnel when determining suitability ...

  • WIPCODES - Work in Progress Ledger

    What is WIPCODES All ITAS procedures need support codes. a) Category codes are maintained in WIPCODES and these are used for grouping DEPT, codes. The category codes are used as their name implies i.e. group ...