CHINAIMP - China Style Imports


There are several modes for import of data sources into ITAS:

a)     New; it is used to import Futures and Options Trades from a fixed format file where the first 9 lines are text.
this process enables the creation of Unconfirmed Trades which maybe New Open Interest or Exit Open Interest items.

b)     Settle; it is used is to update existing F&O 'Exit OI' trades with the Price of the 'New OI' trades against which they can be settled
The user enters  Broker Account, Client Account, Department
This process uses the import row to locate  existing Futures Trades that match with above entries

The process will then attempt to match the TERM x External Serial Number with the deal number in the file and the Code is flagged as ‘exit OI’, Price is the same,  Lots >= lots on the file, Prompt Month is the same, Commodity code is the same, Buy/Sell is the same. Where a TERM trade is found that matches completely, it is updated with the price of the trade to be settled (fut02_newoiprice). These details are used in the Settlement procedure to match the New OI and Exit OI trades to be settled. If no match is found in the F&O table, the import row is signaled as rejected.

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