DELE - Loaded/Delivered Details

What is DELE
DELE is the tool to maintain the loaded, delivered, final weights and actual qualities.  Pumped weights would have previously been attached to the sales call-off either automatically by the weigh-bridge interface procedure ALOAD, the ATH auto term processes or the EXPEDQ process. These can be entered in TRADE/Call-off/Completion details when operating the subsystem of maintain Loaded weights at call-off (ctrl50_stocksoncalloff)

All the procedures link the sale and stock movement using the Sale Release Number.
The final weights will be defaulted from delivered weights if the call-off has been marked as to be invoiced on delivered weights as opposed to loaded weights.  The call-off is marked as delivered (shipping status with appropriate flag) if the delivery date is entered. Stock details are updated if the loaded weight differs from the pumped weight.
A feature of DELE is the entry of actual ratios/values from analysis. This is normally a separate process to the entry of loaded/delivered weights and will be carried out by a different person. For this reason the entry of weights and actual ratios is controlled by privilege so the relevant user only sees what is relevant to the task being performed. Ratios are added to the delivered record so that all details for a single call-off are kept together for ease of analysis.

Phys10 will contain details of the tanks used in the delivery
Phys09 is the sub-record for the Phys01 summarised call-off data which includes summarised Phys10

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