Bulk Contract Management


These procedures are used to perform updates across multiple contracts

Contents of Bulk Contract Management

  • TRADEGRP - Trade Group Maintenance

    What is TRADEGRP TRADEGRP is used to fulfill some of the TRADE features in a grouping environment e.g. Allocate/de-allocate and produce Internal TRADEs and accounting, select/update TRADE records with their Trading POSITION period, update of ...

  • TRADECOS - Trade Group (Cost of Sales)

    What is TRADECOS This process for the update of Cost-Of-Sales will show existing values and suggest a current value (same process as FinCalc) in the same currency as the Sales Invoice. This is ONLY available ...

  • TRUECOS - True-Up Cost of Sales

  • TRADEACT - Actualise TRADE Costs

    What is TRADEACT This procedure is used for viewing the transactions for any account/currency combination and any accounting period range with the intention of showing TRADE costs associated by the accounting entry’s Contract ref and ...

  • COSTGRP - TRADE Group Costs

    What is COSTGRP This process is used to fulfill the update of TRADE cost estimates in a grouping environment. Selections are: a) Database table b) Filters are Vessel, Grouping Number , Cost Code and full ...

  • CMYPRICES - Commodity Prices

    What is In the trading environment there is very little standard pricing because terms and conditions vary from deal to deal. However in the retail world, there is more consistency in selling with fewer terms ...

  • COSTMIRROR - Costs Replication (specialist)

    Month End Costs Mirroring At the end of the month this process reviews all allocated trades for designated MIRROR departments. The grid content will drive by Sales and will present both P & S trade ...

  • COMMRECON - Commission Reconciliation

    This process is designed to review Commission previously calculated and reconcile those values with the current calculation; many factors can affect the current calculation e.g. price change, FX rates, Costs being changed that were used ...

  • BARTERAG - Barter Agreement

    This is a process to group TRADE records (buy and sell) that constitute an Agreement to Sell one product and buy a different product e.g. 'sell' fertiliser to a farmer/co-op and 'buy' the subsequent crop. ...

  • VMIIMP -

    VMIIMP -

  • EXCHLOTS - Exchange Lots

  • FXCOVER - FX Cover