DOCREC - Recall Posted Document as Proforma

What is DOCREC

DOCREC is a recall program. It is used for recalling a posted document with the objective of using its details to create a new document. Posting to ledgers is also possible given the privilege level. Upon saving (having authorised for posting or not), the reference of the recalled document is maintained and the new document will have a new reference assigned.

How to use DOCREC

Upon entering DOCREC you will be presented with a window that requests the entry of the document reference of the document you wish to use as proforma. Only posted documents are available to DOCREC. As soon as an existing document reference is entered, the corresponding DOCENT window will be opened. Once in the window, you can edit the details (right click menu or icon on the toolbar), save changes and post if sufficient privilege level is held. The recalled document remains unchanged with its original document reference and a new document is created with its corresponding document reference.

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