Lot Traceability

Many businesses require to trace the goods from Origin (field) to Customer. For example, Coffee Beans may need to trace from acquisition via Quality/samples and/or Container loads.

ITAS enables administration via TRADE/Traffic/Warehouse 'Lot Reference' and Warehouse Warrant/Reference. The Lot Reference field is usually used with the Supplier Reference.  The effectiveness of traceability is having access to the Origin data and being prepared to maintain said data.

The start of the 'Lot Reference' trail can be :-
a) SAMPLES - where the supplier Lot reference would be entered and IF the sample was later accepted as an executed TRADE, the Lot Reference would be transferred to Traffic/warehouse  'Lot Reference'
b) CONTAINERS - if the TRADE/Traffic/Container items have been maintained with their Batch/Lot references, the user can use a Ctrl F - picking process in TRADE/Traffic/Warehouse to populate 'Lot Reference'

c) TRADE/TRAFFIC - manual entry on the Purchase TRADE which can be automatically copied to the allocated Sale

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