
Case Study: Document Management


ITAS offers a full end-to-end Document Management subsystem that allows our customers to manage document storage, indexing and retrieval through Trader Desktop and Web Portal. Integration with ITAS applications such as TRADE allows auto-indexing on document generation, as well as simple document identification/access through keyword matching, for example, Contract Reference.  

Document Management requirements can be anything from simply 'going paperless' through to treating the content as another vital source of data. 

Common Scenarios

All of the following scenarios can be managed through controlling the life-cycle within the middleware (Integration Platform)

  • Documents received require scanning and indexing
  • Documents received through 3rd party services require upload and indexing
  • Retrieve/view existing documents, possibly for upload to an alternate File or Content Management System (CMS)
  • Document index properties (meta data) require reading/updating

ITAS has a comprehensive range of API-based functions that allow our customers to build their own workflows.

Workflow Sample 

The following sequence could apply to documents such as invoices, letters of credit, certificates:

  • Document is received through 3rd party service (email, scanner, cloud-service)
  • Meta data is extracted/identified either through OCR or another recognised technique (file naming convention for example)  
  • If not already presented in digital format, Middleware can convert the file to a data stream
  • Middleware requests the upload and index via Upload endpoint (including meta data for keywords such as Contract Reference, Client Account)
  • Response includes DocMan ID for future reference
  • Further Index information can be applied using ClientServices API to update the DocmanDocument data entity
  • Notification can be sent to user with/without link *

* useful if a nominated user/group is created to manage authorising/approving documents and the associated meta data

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