Introduction To ITAS 8


ITAS 8.0 (ITAS) is the next generation of ITAS CTRM (Commodity Trading & Risk Management) software and it sees the introduction of the NG Framework.

The NG Framework is the first step in an extensive transition period for ITAS that has enabled Hivedome to introduce several new features to sit along the existing core Trading Modules whilst also offering Hivedome the ability to evolve ITAS even further over the coming months and years.

Some of the new features introduced to ITAS 8 include:

  • Trader Desktop - A new user friendly, customisable interface that provides a more intuitive user experience. By offering a range of navigation tools not seen in ITAS before users are able to access essential Trading Data quicker than ever.

The Trader Desktop will be available to all ITAS users but the new tools below form the Extended Features package which will be available only to businesses with the appropriate licenses.

  • ITAS Alerts - Alerts can be used to notify users when changes to the database have been made, whether it’s the addition of new data or existing data being edited.
  • Reporting Database - The ITAS Reporting Database provides access to ITAS data at a database level. With the use of a third party reporting tool (not supplied by Hivedome) administrators and report creators will be able create point in time or comparison reports using key ITAS data, including calculated values within seconds.
  • ITAS API (Web Services) - The ITAS API is a set of Web Services that enable users and other third party applications to access ITAS data without the need to launch Trader Desktop or menu items such as TRADE or CLI etc.

Trader Desktop

Upon launching ITAS 8 the changes to the look at feel are immediate, the ITAS Trader Desktop replaces the ITAS Navigator as the gateway to ITAS and now contains three key areas:

  • Top Menu Bar
  • Navigation Panel
  • Trader Desktop Homepage

Each of these areas has been designed to make navigating ITAS 8 quicker and easier and has given Hivedome the opportunity to introduce new and useful functionality now and in the future.

Top Menu Bar

The Top Menu Bar can be found running across the top of the ITAS screen and contains the ITAS administration and settings functions:

The User Menu can be used to access User Preferences where users can tailor some minor functions to their requirements.

The Feedback button can be used to report issues, ask questions or submit suggestions direct to the help desk at Hivedome.

The Settings menu contains ITAS configuration options, but the options available will depend on the user type and privileges.


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