S01 Company Setup 


S01 (SSU) is used primarily by Hivedome to configure the ITAS company environments. There is a lot of interaction between different features and S01 could be a dangerous tool in the hands of the novice. There are several features:
1) S01 is used to maintain the overall ITAS environmental settings e.g. Mail interface, SAP/JDE interface details, General Housekeeping… use mouse right-click on first form
2) S01 is used to maintain the CMP/privilege table (prv45) for the specific ITAS options e.g. DOCENT, TRADE, CLI.  This table is usually maintained by commands issued by Hivedome but it can be modified from S01 ... mouse right-click on first form
3) S01 will report details of every database Company profile  … mouse right click on first form
4) S01 is used to maintain the detail of each company profile to activate/disable the varied features/facilities.
5) S01 is used to maintain the parameters for the Factory Processing subsystem (PROSCHED)
6) S01 /View/Data Import/Export fields. This is used to describe the ITAS tables (fut02, phys01, txx) that can be directly imported using (BRKIMPORT-Standard, TRADEIMP, CSVIMPORT).  The allowed fields are prompted with comment about mandatory or not.  Knowledge of the data content is important, most can be ascertained from TRADE field helps?. However the F&O (fut02) is described in this book (fut02_what)

1 Overall environment. There are 4 frames for different (ctrl10) information, each frame has its own ?help which provides the detail of  the application. The Housekeeping form is important because some data that is collected on a daily basis will create very large database tables that will become increasingly cumbersome unless archived by the ITAS overnight procedures.

2 CMP/Privileges. The table content with regards the Menu Option and the Privilege name are controlled by Hivedome. The applicable software e.g. DOCENT. CLI has logic built-in to further restrict the user from the using these specific features in Write-access mode UNLESS they have been accorded the privilege on their CMP profile. A few of the features e.g. TRADE/TRAFFIC will supersede read-only access by according the user with write-access if they are explicitly given that CMP privilege. This table can be amended with new rows, delete/remove row or amend the description.

3 Report.  A 2/3 page list of the features is listed for EVERY company on the database. The report is a standard .IRP and can be filed or searched.

4 Company specific
Different styles of Operating Company and their basic setup criteria:-
a)       Commission House
b)       Holding Company
c)       Services Operation
d)       Trade House that imports produce, primarily sells from stock and may/may not process e.g walnuts, raisins, coconut
e)       Trade House that trades products that can be hedged on the Futures markets e.g cocoa, coffee, soya, sugar, oils, grains
f)        Company involved in the trading, storage and distribution of liquid products e.g. molasses
g)      Importer that stores, processes/mixes, distributes e.g. dried fruit, coconut for toasting (John Morley)
h)       Traders and Distributors e.g. spices
i)         Refineries e.g. Sugar

ITAS is designed as fully integrated multi-currency system but individual companies can be operated in a controlled single currency mode.
After the completion of the standard ITAS setup, either self-install from CD or Hivedome agents have actioned the task, any number of companies can be setup. The install will have setup a demo company with some codes, accounts and minimal transaction data. The system administrator user (prv40_extendedfile=Y) will have access to Navigator/file processes that allow create and amend of company profiles. These processes use the full SSU for the setup. However the only way to setup the non-standard ITAS features is by S01 and detailed knowledge/help? of what is required.

Specific for the setup of a style of operation:

Company Set Up

Nothing specific.


Client Ledger. A client ledger is required for the creation of different types of accounts. A suffix of ‘P’ can be used to    indicate suppliers of goods or services (purchase ledger) and a suffix of ‘S’ can be used to indicate customers (sales ledger).    The distinction is not essential.     The WIP ledger should be active. A work in progress account can represent a physical purchase, physical sale, vessel and different types of stock unit (shore tanks, transit accounts) through which the inventory is monitored.    If the ’Show Molasses in WIP’ flag is set standard molasses qualities which are entered for the stock unit in the PQIS sub-system can be viewed

Document Entry

Standard Accounting settings

Financial Periods

Open/closed account periods, year end


The record of the commodity moved stores three parts of the commodity code it is therefore suggested that the 3 part
commodity code structure is adopted throughout

Nominated Accounts

Standard nominated accounts are required

Terminal Details

Only required if futures markets are used for pricing

Physical Details

General settings for physical trading operation
Release numbers used for deliveries from stock and intakes into stock. The number is system generated but the start number or next number to issue can be maintained

Treasury Details

General settings for treasury trading operation

Stock Details

Tank cost currency. This is the currency of the price of the stocks in each stock unit which is used in calculations (PQIS) along with the qualities to establish the least cost formulation
Tank cost price code. This is the price code in which the stock tank price is expressed to be used in formulations.
Default account for fx differences on movements. The value for the stock unit is maintained in the unit currency. If goods are moved into the stock unit with a value in other than the stock unit currency the value must be converted into the stock unit currency. This is done via the fx differences account.
Default account for gains/losses on movements. When goods are moved between stock units additional costs may be incurred which increase the cost of the stocks. These are accounted for in the ‘gains/losses’ account.
Default account for stock adjustments. This account is used for intakes and stock adjustments to tanks where one side of the movement is neither a purchase contract nor a stock unit.
Weight code for pneumercator readings. The tank levels that are imported from an external source will be expressed in this
weight code.
3rd Party operation indicator. A storage operation can include 3rd party stocks. These can be monitored within the installation/Terminal. The balance of the 3rd party’s stocks is always known by terminal. Alternatively they can be monitored by stock unit so the precise location of the 3rd party’s stocks within the terminal is known. This is achieved by maintaining 3rd party balance records per account, vessel and arrival date and records of movements into and out of the installation/terminal and, if required, records of 3rd party movements within the installation/terminal.
Trace/Parcel ID operation. The trace id operation will assign trace ids to movements, stock units and physical contracts that have come from stock. The ids are numeric and system generated. Each time a movement is made into a stock unit the stock unit can adopt the id of the incoming movement or a new id can be generated to represent the new mix of goods in the stock unit.
Stock movements by stock unit component. Stock movements can be recorded by stock unit – one movement per unit or by component – one movement per product in the stack unit. This provides the possibility of more detailed analysis.
Intake posting. The additional costs associated with an intake can generate separate movements into a stock unit or all the costs can be combined into a single movement.

Allocation Details

For physical trading side of the operation it is possible to state what information about the purchase and sale must match
before back to back allocations are possible for example the principal commodity should be the same on purchase and sale

Tables & Procedures

Technical information for the database set up

SRC Update

On accounting transactions certain non-critical information may be amended after a transaction has been posted to the ledgers.   For example client reference, narrative, expense code. The amendment will be made in the SRC program. The information on the transaction which maybe amended can be defined in the company set up.


parameter setup
1.       Main form (Doc entry tab), ensure documentary weight code and number of dec places are correct for how factory system will operate e.g. MT, 4 dec places so that fraction of kilo can be monitored
2.       Physicals tab;  automated WIP on purchase, auto contract numbers, auto toll number, WIP a/c for processing area (tab 3), PRASS-out a/c (tab 4), PRASS warehouse code(tab4), Mixing-out a/c e.g. FPWH.000 (tab4), Mix ctr number, base for Mix ctr, processing inturn ship status e.g. TO (tab 4), processing outturn ship status e.g. TI (tab 4), TRADE/calloff for phys09 (tab 5), Include costs TRADE/outturn-mix (tab 5)
3.       Stock tab; key item is main page PROSCHED style = Factory. Factory settings are; Packaging weight code e.g. UNIT (physcode/packcode with 1 as conversion), processing area ship status e.g. WP, warehoused area ship status e.g. W, warehoused contract terms e.g. INSTORE, warehoused period type e.g. D (delivered), warehoused GOODS status (code that is not ticked as QA approved), Transit WIP a/c, write-off a/c (NOM), Sample sent (NOM)
Other data that is needed to be setup for PROSCHED is :-
a)       EXP codes and their control for STOCK transfers, move in/out processing area, FP mixed-in
b)       PHYSCODES/Goods status for ‘waiting for approval’ and ‘now approved’
c)       PHYSCODES/Ship status codes for those nominated above and also a code with column ticked for each of ‘act as on road’, ‘act as routed’, ‘act as calloff’, ‘act as delivered’ and ‘act as written-off’.  NOTE ensure only 1 code is setup for each column tick!!!!
d)       PHYSCODES/intake-release codes. To be used in detail reporting in WHREP so setup a code for each tick column e.g. MA for manufactured.
Important that the REPORT object for phys01/phys09 is setup (IDD) else problems.


Contents of S01 Company Setup

  • SSU - Import/Export

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