Client Ledger


The Client Ledger procedures are extensive and incorporate all the expected features for control/reporting of debtors and creditors accounts. The maintenance procedure CLI is central to the effective use of these accounts and their static information is used throughout ITAS. Important items are geographic location, relationships with other accounts, the style of account, the trading and risk limits, the more specific ‘trading oriented’ data and the links to the trading databases.

Performance enquiry is integrated with immediate viewing of turnover, sales invoice performance, current risk exposure. All the ledgers need other ITAS support codes with those specific to the client ledger grouped in the procedure CLICODES. The list below identifies the standard features with the Report Writer to be activated from different procedures e.g. CLI, REPORT where other listings for static etc have been designed as system standards ready for customer personalisation. The different types of account used in ITAS are the bought (.P) and sales (.S) open item accounts and the terminal (.T) type which is used for Futures, Options, FX accounting whereby carried-forward and bought-forward balances are wanted. The open item accounts need ‘cash matching’ to remove transactions into the archive whereas the balance b/f accounts operate on a fiscal month closure principal, in the same way as Nominal/General ledger accounts.

Contents of Client Ledger

  • CLI - Client Account Maintenance/Enquiry

    This application is used to maintain Client Ledger accounts. For further information see the subtopics.

  • CLIST - Client Transactions List

    Jump To Report Style Report Style Features Final Report What is CLIST All documents posted to accounts in the Client Ledger can be viewed using CLIST. CLIST is the Client Ledger reporting tool; it provides ...

  • CCR - Credit Control

    What is CCR This procedure is used to produce several styles of control reports for Open-Item accounts only i.e. not CLI .T type:- a) standard aged debtors/creditors, there are many variances of style/content see Field ...

  • MAT - Cash Matching

    This is the document matching procedure for Client Ledger accounts. For further information see the subtopics.

  • USI - Unpaid Sales Invoices

    What is USI This report is a simple listing of client postings that have not been cash matched reporting selected document types e.g. SI, CN, DN,. The report provides a chase list in value date ...

  • RPDC - Receivables/Payables Due

    What is RPDC This procedure provides several variations of payment due lists and receivables due. These reports are only available for CLI type P and S accounts, not .T style. They are fixed format layouts ...

  • CSP - Client Statements

    What is Statements can be produced on a regular or ad-hoc basis for any CLI account. The CLI account must be setup as statements are wanted before CSP will produce them. The statement style is ...

  • MATT - Terminal Clients Transaction Matching

    What is MATT CLI accounts that are setup as T style are operated as balance carried forward and as such do not utilise cash matching to complete their reconciliation. However some operations find it useful ...

  • SUPER - MLP Client Review

    What is SUPER This enquiry collects CLI static and combines with various performance data. This is a very specialist MLP procedure.

  • CASHIMP - Cash Import

    Create cash receipts through import files

  • CASHMAT - Matching Cash

    Cash matching process with facility to identify matched items through an import file

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