A favoured approach for tracking Spread rolls is to not split the contract, retain the fixing family, include the roll in the contract price and retain the traded premium. It's helpful if the spread roll can be identified and to move the pricing month to the roll month en masse. This is achieved as follows:
Identify the roll trades by their Trade i.e. flagged as 'Spread Roll'
Save spread and earliest month as pricing is done
Initial pricing in March 2023
Roll to May 2023
Roll to August 2023
See the spread roll in GPREP/Valuation Report
Update pricing month
Updating the pricing month contract by contract is laborious. It is easier to use Trade/Group Functions...Roll pricing Month. This process analyses price fixations per contract where there is a roll (fixation with a 'spread roll' code). If the latest fixation month is different to the pricing month it suggests the Fix Family as a candidate to have their pricing month updated. All candidates are presented on a grid allowing the trader the option to update the pricing month to the roll month