MLP - Maintenance Log Print

What is MLP

MLP is the document amendment and program usage reporting tool. It reports on all the programs that have been run, and by whom, since the last time the Day End Program (DEP) was run. MLP also reports on all the important amendments made to any of the ledgers. The definition of what amendments are to be recorded in this part of MLP is done upon ITAS set-up (every company can decide what information they wish to audit). The MLP report includes, dates, times, user initials and program names.
MLP also runs as part of the day-end audit procedures. This MLP creates a file with all the day's information that is stored in a directory defined in ITAS set-up. In this way the database is cleared but the information is still accessible. The number of old MLP files stored (i.e. number of past days) is a company decision.

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