FXR is the currency rates maintenance program. The Target Currency to which to maintain the Exchange Rates is specified in S01/overall control/ctrl10_roeccy A good company / ITAS practice is to maintain daily/spot rates, especially if ...
What is PRFT allows for the entry of currency rates that are used explicitly in the VTR, ECSALE, BAL, PLR, NLIST and INTRAS reports. These rates are issued periodically by the Customs & Excise and ...
What is CCYHOLS This procedure is essential for various components of TRADING to function correctly, e.g. verification of settlement/maturity dates being correct for the currency being traded/settled. CCYHOLS is a very simple maintenance task where ...
What is HOLS HOLS is the procedure used to mark specific days of the year that are non-working. There is no need to mark the centrally nominated weekend days, S01 right-click /overall control. Hivedome would ...
What is EXCHHOLS EXCHHOLS are only used in the overnight process which creates automated Settlement Market fixations e.g. LME exchange. In TRADE/Pricing - the number of working (Exchange) days is maintained and thereby with the ...
ISOPORTS - ISO Ports This process enables a global list of Ports to be maintained with their latitude and longitude co-ordinates. This data is useful for building Reporting Database stars where location is required on ...
What is FXR is used to maintain the Groups' (ITAS Server centric) commercial exchange rates. OTHFXR enables maintenance of specialist rates e.g. Sydney 10am quote, Government Tax rates The Target Currency to which to maintain ...