ITAS Global Interface (IGI)
Create a data extraction tool based on the principles of REPORTWRITER and exploiting the potential of ITAStables.xml to deliver a feature-rich UI for building extract files. As with RW there was also be a need to trigger the extracts basis selection criteria - SQL WHERE clauses - and create a similar naming/characterisation convention that would allow extracts from various sources. The eventual aim is to replace all interface technology including exports currently built in and any future developments in the area.
Executable: | IGI.dll |
Resides: | itasfolder\exec\net35 |
Dependencies: | ItasDALInterop.dll, ItasDLLInterop.dll, ItasTablesDALInterop.dll, ItasDataIntfcsInterop.dll |
Comments: | vb.NET project |
Test Harness: | IGIUI.exe |
Installation Notes
ยท Standard release