TRADEIMP - Trade Import

What is

This process facilitates bulk TRADE entry for new business either as a take-on procedure for new Entities or for regular imports.

TRADEIMP imports TRADE records from a file located on ITAS server directly into ITAS. The format of the file is strictly controlled and any deviation from the format results in rejection of the entire import.  TRADEIMP currently allows import of new trades (phys01 records), commissions (phys02), costs (phys03), options (phys04), price fixations (phys05), Columbia trade registrations (phys01af records) and traffic data. The file to import is a text TAB delimited file with an extension of  ‘.Txt’; this can be created from an Excel worksheet.
S01 is used to define (View/Data Import/Export Fields/phys01 – [xx_imp01]) which TRADE fields can be included in the import file (Hivedome maintained list  e.g. afi, warehouse, destination, port of origin)   The list is maintained automatically with the mandatory fields needed by ITAS e.g. CounterParty, contract type, contract terms and also with the list of fields nominated in S01/View/Physicals/TRADE/Mandatories.  The System Manager ticks which fields can be included on the import .txt file. The import file only needs the mandatory fields whereby any of the other selected fields can be included e.g. a warehouse/stock import would need Warehouse, Rotation ref etc whereas new business probably would not need those particular fields.

There is also an AUTO batch mode to execute the Trade import.
Files are placed  in their own folder e.g. Itas\Import\Auto i.e. not the standard TradeImp Folders.
The auto process is fired by a batch command e.g.  c:\itas\exec\a\a59 MenuBatch br /Path=c:\Itas\Import\Auto
The path must be present in the batch command and must exist
The process reads all the files (tab delimited .txt) in the folder and processes those with a Table Type of phys01, phys02, phys03 or phys05 and a column of phys01_takeonref
Other files are ignored.
All the relevant files found are moved to the working folder (e.g. c:\Itas\Import\Auto\InProgress). This folder is created automatically if it does not exist
The phys01 files are processed first, then the others
Each file is given a batch no. and moved to the old folder on completion (e.g. c:\Itas\Import\Auto\Old). This folder is created automatically if it does not exist. The name of the batch file in the old folder is date and batch number e.g. 22020407_Batch000101.txt
The import together with any errors is logged in Itas\Log\TradeImport.Log
The phys01 import line is rejected if the Takeon ref already exists
The phys02/3/5 import line is rejected if the Takeon ref does not exist or there are 2 or more contracts with the Takeon ref
A report of the import named TRADEIMP_BATCH000101.IRP is stored in OPRINT if the command string has the flag /Oprint=Y
1st Row Cell A determines the content of the file with the following types; phys01, phys01/splits, phys01/tranches, phys01/calloff, phys01af, phys02, phys03, phys04, phys05, phys06, phys11, phys12, phys13, phys14, phys24, phys28, phys30, phys31, phys40, phys75, phys97, phys98, ccc31, ccc42, ccc43, ccc44, ccc45, ccc46, ccc48, ccc52, fact06, traffic, trade, ttd, nexus, cmy112, equ01.
Cell A content =  "phys01/calloff" is a specialist import to create splits of existing Purchase TRADE record with the new splits being nominated with Shipping Status 'Call-off' whereby generates phys09 data so that these intakes can be processed by PROSCHED to become Inventory.  This process needs the import content 'phys01_contract' to locate its' basis template of data e.g. Dept, Counterparties with the import data being any of the S01 configured fields e.g. WareHouse Ref, Container, Lot Ref, Quantity, Price... Each column on the import file will be imported; if a cell is empty content and the data target field is configured as mandatory then a row rejection will occur.   
Cell A content =  "phys01/splits" is similar to '/calloff'  with no automatic Shipping Status update  and no phys09s created. New splits are create without reducing the header contract Qty i.e. works as 'Add Tonnage'
Cell A content =  "phys01/tranches" is similar to '/splits'  except creates tranches instead of splits.
Cell A content = "trade" will enable update of an existing TRADE with selected data elements i.e. those that do not have dependencies, except for code validation.
2nd row must contain the ITAS database names, as selected in S01 e.g. phys01_contype phys01_takeonref
for phys01/splits,phys01/tranches, phys01/trade:
i) there must be either a phys01_takeonref or phys01_contract column, not both
ii) the split/tranche may be set as a price fixing header if the phys01_fixfamily column contains the text  HEAD

Row 3
onwards contains the data records to import. The last row is determined by the completely empty line.
To execute the import, select the drive, folder and filename of the file to import and click the Import button. The drive and folder are defaulted from a prior use of this application.
In the case of importing phys01 records, a batch no. is created which is unique to that import process. The batch no is stored in phys01_batchref on successfully imported records.  TRADEIMP will reject the file from processing, if there are missing or extra fields to the master list.  A log of failure rows will be produced for the user to re-enter. The failed entries will be due to the subsequent detailed TRADE validation e.g. invalid codes, inconsistent cross-referenced data.
There is a procedure to un-do an import by selecting from the Previous Imports grid and right-click for Delete import. The process ensures that the data is still virgin before allowing removal and a report is produced of the actions taken (failure and success).
An OPRINT report is also created listing each line of the import file, including an indicator if the record was rejected. The name of the OPRINT report for
phys01 records is:  YYYYMMDD_Batchnnnnnn.IRP
phys02 records is:  YYYYMMDD_ComsnImport_HHMMSS.IRP
phys03 records is:  YYYYMMDD_CostsImport_HHMMSS.IRP
phys04 records is:  YYYYMMDD_CmyOptionsImport_HHMMSS.IRP
phys05 records is:  YYYYMMDD_FixationsImport_HHMMSS.IRP
phys14 records is:  YYYYMMDD_SpecificationsImport_HHMMSS.IRP
phys01af records is:  YYYYMMDD_TradeRegistrations_HHMMSS.IRP
traffic records is:  YYYYMMDD_TrafficImport_HHMMSS.IRP
YYYYMMDD  is the date
nnnnnn          is the batch number and
HHMMSS      is the time
After import the file is moved to the \Old folder and renamed. If the folder holding the file does not have a \Old sub folder, it is created. If the file already resides in a \Old folder it is not moved or renamed. The name of the new file the same as the OPRINT files except with an extension of ‘.Txt’
There is a process to remove (undo) the IMPORT of phys01 records using the batch reference. When an import has been completed satisfactorily, the contract references can not be re-used. Action right click…Un-Import. Any contracts which have been amended may not be reversed. The Un-import procedure creates an OPRINT report named  YYYYMMDD_DeleteBatchnnnnnn.IRP and is also record in the log.
Data Rows
In general the data must be present in the file as it would be visible in the TRADE screen. The exceptions are:
  • Dates – Entered numerically so 12th June 2007 would be in the file as 20070612, except shipping period which is entered as a date, period or range (e.g. JUN07) 
  • Periods - Entered numerically so June 2007 would be in the file as 20070632
  • Phys01_fix (pricing Method: N for priced and F for F&O pricing
  • Phys01_contype (Contract Type):  P for purchases and S for sales
    phys01_fixtype (Type of Fix): AA for against actuals, BC for buyers calls etc.
  • Phys02_ratetype (Rate type): R for Rate, A for Amount, % for Percent etc.
  • phys02_payrec (Pay/rec): P for Pay, R for RecData rows are Columnb 
  • phys01_posntype  (Position Designator): S for "START", 1 for "START + 1 MONTH",  2 for "START + 2 MONTHS", 3 for "START + 3 MONTHS", X for "START - 1 MONTH"
      Y for "START - 2 MONTHS", Z for "START - 3 MONTHS", E for  "END", F for "END + 1 MONTH", G for "END + 2 MONTHS", H for "END + 3 MONTHS",
    Data Field Names (Row 2 of the file)


The fields which are permitted on the phys01 import must be those nominated in S01…View…Data Import Fields. The sequence of the columns is not important. The data fields indicated as mandatory in S01 must be present in the file and with content. Non mandatory items need not have a column in the file and if present may have a blank content. For example phys01_contype must be present and phys01_portorig does not. Other items are company specific, for example if the company has pack code nominated as mandatory in S01, then it must be present in the file.    The phys01_contype determines ‘P’ (Purchase), ‘S’ () or ‘W’ (Warehoused Purchase). The ‘W’ command will create it’s ITAS contract references using S01 nominated ctrl30_licbase and ctrl30_autobase whereas ‘P’ and ‘S’ will follow the company standard setup.


The phys02 column list is pre-defined and can have the following content:
Column A - phys02_contract or phys01_takeonref (MANDATORY)
Column B – phys02_agent  (MANDATORY)
Column C - phys02_ccy (MANDATORY)
Column D-  phys02_ratetype (MANDATORY)
Column E - phys02_pricecode
Column F - phys02_payrec (MANDATORY)
Column G - phys02_comrate (MANDATORY)
Column H - phys02_agref
Column I - phys02_pl
Column J - phys02_blind


The phys03 column list is pre-defined and can have the following content:
Column A - phys03_contract or phys01_takeonref  (MANDATORY)
Column B – phys03_code (MANDATORY)
Column C – phys03_supplier
Column D – phys03_ccy (MANDATORY)
Column E – phys03_ratetype (MANDATORY)
Column F – phys03_pricecode
Column G – phys03_payrec (MANDATORY)
Column H – phys03_rate (MANDATORY)
Column I – phys03_surcharge
Column J – phys03_pl
Column K – phys03_pole
Column L – phys03_roetype
Column M – phys03_roe
Column N – phys03_narrative
Column O – phys03_inccomm
Column P – phys03_notactualised
Column Q – phys01_memo2
Column R – phys03_containers (Only valid on ocean freight costs when pricecode is CONT – Per Container)
Column S – phys03_matrix
Column T - phys03_showininvoice

Phys04 (Commodity Options)

The phys04 column list is pre-defined and can have the following content:
Column A - phys04_contract or phys01_takeonref    (MANDATORY)
Column B - phys04_commod (MANDATORY)
Column C - phys04_origin
Column D -  phys04_grade
Column E - phys04_cmycode4
Column  F - phys04_cmycode5
Column  G - phys04_cmyctry
Column  H - phys04_ccy
Column  I - phys04_pricecode
Column  J - phys04_conprice
Column  K - phys04_quality
Column L – phys04_packcode
Column  M  - phys04_conterms
Column  N - phys04_contermsport
Column  O - phys04_arbit
Column  P - phys04_cropyear
Column  Q - phys04_portorig
Column  R - phys04_shipweights
Column  S - phys04_fclref
Column  T - phys04_narrative

Phys05 / Phys52

The phys05 column list is pre-defined and can have the following content:
Column A - phys05_contract or phys01_takeonref  (MANDATORY)
Column B - phys05_date, format is YYYYMMDD e.g. 20090513 (MANDATORY)
Column C - phys05_lots, numeric. The standard entry is an integer value unless TCCM/Price Fix Lots decimal places <> 0. Alternatively if the TRADE has been configured as 'Fix in MTs', decimal places are enabled to the maximum per TRADE weight code  (MANDATORY)
Column D -  phys05_commod, TCCM code (MANDATORY)
Column E - phys05_prompt, MMMYY or YYYYMMDD format e.g. MAY09 or 20090532
Column F - phys05_price, numeric max 6 decimal places (MANDATORY)
Column G - phys05_code, TERMCODES/Trade code (MANDATORY)
Column H – phys05_memo
Column I – blank (or phys01_memo2 if ctrl30_pfixstyle = C )
Column J – phys05_reassignid
Column K – phys05_summaryid
Column L – phys05_invref
Column M – phys05_use
Column N - phys05_flatprice
Column O - phys05_mktprice

Phys06 (Invoice Marking)

Flexible columns
Mandatory columns are:  phys06_contract, phys06_docref, phys06_docdate, phys06_invval, phys06_type, phys06_invpc and phys06_onacc
Optional  columns are:     phys06_invbags, phys06_invwt, phys06_cost, phys06_margin, phys06_duedate, phys06_provdocref, phys06_costccy, phys06_vatcode, phys06_invqtycode, phys06_conquan, phys06_posted

Phys11 ( FX Cover)

The phys11 column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A - phys11_contract   (MANDATORY)
Column B - phys11_fxdeal  (MANDATORY)
Column C - phys11_fxcovered, numeric  (MANDATORY)
Column D -  phys11_roe numeric (MANDATORY)
Column E - phys11_roetype M or D  (MANDATORY)

Phys12 (Cost Invoice Marking)

Flexible columns
Mandatory columns are:  phys12_contract, phys12_code, phys12_docref, phys12_docdate, phys12_docvalue, phys12_percentactual, phys12_onacc
Optional  columns are:     phys12_invqty, phys12_vatcode

Phys13 (Commission Invoice Marking)

Flexible columns
Mandatory columns are:  phys13_contract, phys13_agent, phys13_docref, phys13_docdate, phys13_docvalue, phys13_percentactual, phys13_onacc
Optional  columns are:    phys13_invqty, phys13_vatcode

Phys14 ( Quality Specifications)

The phys14 column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A - phys14_contract or phys01_takeonref  (MANDATORY)
Column B -phys14_quality (MANDATORY)
Column C -,phys14_targetpc
Column D - phys14_maxpc
Column E - phys14_option
Column F - phys14_qualifier
Column G - phys14_loadportresult
Column H - phys14_dischargeresult
Column I - phys14_avgminpc
Column J - phys14_avgmaxpc
Column K - phys14_ourminpc
Column L - phys14_ourmaxpc
Column M - phys14_ouravgminpc
Column N - phys14_ouravgmaxpc
Column O - phys14_ouroption
Column P - phys14_minpcreq
Column Q - phys14_maxpcall
Column R - phys14_ratename
Column S - phys14_rate
Column T - phys14_mixpc
Column U - phys14_groupid
Column V - phys14_rate2

Phys18 (Prepayments)

Flexible columns
Mandatory columns are:  phys18_contract, phys18_docref, phys18_docdate, phys18_ccy, phys18_invval, phys18_ppperc, phys18_type (must be X)
Optional  columns are:     phys18_posted, phys18_invwt, phys18_bankgref
Automatic columns are:   phys18_seqno, phys18_greenrate, phys18_fullval, phys18_conquan and phys18_counterparty. These are set automatically in the process


The phys01af column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A - phys01_contract or phys01_takeonref   (MANDATORY)
Column B - phys01_finalbuyer
Column C - phys01_finalbuyerctry
Column D - phys01_registered
Column E - phys01_regshipmonth
Column F - phys01_regdate
Column G - phys01_regplace
Column H - phys01_regcode
Column I - phys01_fncalloccode
Column J - phys01_fncrevisioncode
Column K - phys01_serialdex
Column L - phys01_liqdate
Column M - phys01_reintegro
Column N - phys01_regtax
Column O - phys01_reintegroccy
Column P - phys01_reintegropcode
Column Q - phys01_regtaxccy
Column R - phys01_regtaxpcode

Phys28 (Cotton Pricing Master)

Column A
Must be a valid contract that is head of a price fixing family - Contract number =  phys01_pricingsuffix
Column B
Must be a valid ccc41 class table
Column C
Must be a valid ccc42 mic table
Column D
Must be a valid ccc43 strength table
Column E
Must be a valid ccc44 uniformity table
Column F
Must be a valid ccc45 ext matter table
Column G
Must be a valid ccc46 leaf table
Column H
Date – Must be valid pd_base table
Column I
Must be valid date
Column J
Column K
Column L
Column M
Column N
Column O
Column P
Column Q
Column R
Column S
Y/N – If Y base date must be present
Column T
Must be valid date – Only valid if phys28_spottables = Y
Column U
Column V
Column W
Must be a valid ccc48 warehouse table
Column X
Must be a valid ccc41 class table
Phys4x tables – Pricing tables for the contract will be generated from the CCC table matching the imported name from columns B to H.


The phys30 column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A - phys30_contract,      Valid Open Purchase contract (DATA MANDATORY)
Column B - phys30_loan,            Numeric, max 8 characters (DATA MANDATORY)
Column C - phys30_producer,     Max 30 characters
Column D - phys30_agent,          Valid Open Client Account code marked as Agent. The code entered will be compared against an existing ITAS client code beginning with ‘F’ and ending with ‘.P’. For example a valid entry for this column would be ‘01001’ where there exists an ITAS client code ‘F01001.P’
Column E - phys30_disburse,     Format is YYYYMMDD e.g. 20100215
Column F - phys30_maturity,      Format is YYYYMMDD e.g. 20100215
Column G - phys30_ascs,          Format is YYYYMMDD e.g. 200100215
Column H - phys30_over,            Format is ‘Y’ to indicate value exceeds $500,000
Column I - phys30_docs,            Max 10 characters

Phys31 – Contract Options

The phys31 column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A - phys31_contract
Column B - phys31_type  - DE = Destination, CT = Contract Terms, PT = Pay Terms , SW = Ship weights , OR = Origin, CY = Crop Year, GR = growth, TP = To Purchase , ME = Make Equity
Column C - phys31_code – the option code e.g. The port code ,  the contract terms code
Column D - phys31_option – B or S
Column E - phys31_takenup – Y or blank
Column F - phys31_termsport – Port for contract terms options
Column G - phys31_pricecode
Column H - phys31_premdisc

Phys40 – Premium Ranges

The phys40 column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A - phys40_contract,      Valid Open Purchase contract (DATA MANDATORY)
Column B - phys40_type,           C = Class , S = Strength, M = Mic, U = uniformity (DATA MANDATORY)
Column C - phys40_micfrom,     
Column D - phys40_micto,
Column E - phys40_strengthfrom
Column F - phys40_strengthto
Column G - phys40_uniformityfrom
Column H - phys40_uniformityto
Column I -  phys40_staplefrom
Column J - phy40_stapleto
Column K - phys40_gradelist
Column L - phys40_leaflist
Column M - phys40_reduced       Y or Blank
Column N - phys40_belowgrade
Column O - phys40_staple100from
Column P - phys40_staple100to

Phys75 – Payment Splits

The phys75 column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A – phys75_contract
Column B – phys75_account – Client account code
Column C – phys75_percentage

Phys97 – Logistic Notes

The phys97 column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A – phys97_contract
Column B – phys97_type
Column C – phys97_date – Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format
Column D – phys97_note

Phys98 - Certs

The phys98 import can include the following columns in any order:
  • phys98_contract
  • phys98_certcode
  • phys98_certccy
  • phys98_certpcode
  • phys98_certprem
  • phys98_certno

TTD - Title transfer dates

To use this feature Hivedome need to configure the CMP privilege 'TRADEIMP/TTD' and the user needs to be appropriately accredited subsequently

Row 2 columns are
A phys01ae_contract
B phys01_ttd
C phys01_salettd
D phys01_saletbld
Data rows are A and B, both mandatory.  Columns C and D are optional.
A value of ZERO in any of B, C and D will set those dates = zero. Leave blank if no change wanted.

Trade Updates

Row 2/ Column A must contain either phys01_contract or phys01_takeonref.  
This process will also apply /Traffic maintenance.
Other columns may be any from this list:
phys01_wcustomscountry,phys01_railimporter,phys01_wcustomsexporter, phys01_origratio, phys01_exdock,
phys01_origvalndiffnccy, phys01_origvalndiffncode,
phys01_brzlsbidate, phys01_brzlrfbdate, phys01_brzetafbdate, phys01_brzbareqdate, phys01_brzbarecdate, phys01_brzbiupdateddate, phys01_brzshipinstrrecdate, phys01_brzbldraftsubdate, phys01_brzweightcontroldate, phys01_brznnblreceiptdate, phys01_brzorigblrecdate, phys01_brzsscocertenterdate, phys01_brziprecdate, phys01_brzphytoenterdate, phys01_brzcoenterdate, phys01_brzfumigcertrecdate, phys01_brzsscocertrecdate, phys01_brzdeadltermdate, phys01_brzdraftdeadldate, phys01_brzcargoallocdate, phys01_brzafi, phys01_brzipnumber, phys01_brzphytonumber, phys01_brzconumber, phys01_brzfumigcertnumber, phys01_brzcontainers, phys01_brzpartialshipment, phys01_brzsplitroll, phys01_brzfta, phys01_brzshiprestrict, phys01_brzcarrierrestrict, phys01_brzcarrycharge, phys01_brzperformance, phys01_brzproblem, phys01_brzrollreason, phys01_brzpersonterms, phys01_brzexportname, phys01_brzpurchaseterms, phys01_brzpersincharge, 
phys01_brzshipterminal, phys01_brzshipinstrfirstdate, phys01_brzphytoissuedate, phys01_brzphytoreldate, phys01_brzcoreldate

Traffic Updates

Row 2/ Column A must contain either phys01_contract or phys01_takeonref  AND any of the other columns from the list below:

phys01_vessel, phys01_transvessel,phys01_blref,phys01_shippingline,phys01_consignee,phys01_notify,
phys01_marks,phys01_fcl,phys01_fclref, phys01_frtforwarder, phys01_frtforwarderref, phys01_pier
phys01_releasedate,phys01_releasecode, phys01_tender,
phys01_palletized, phys01_nopallets, phys01_pallettype,
phys01_haulierdelnr, phys01_haulierdeldate, phys01_contlastdate, phys01_transshipeta, 
phys01_contmarks, phys01_haulageacc, phys01_vehicledriver, phys01_driverlicense, 
phys01_trailerplate, phys01_trailerplate2, phys01_consdate
Local Traffic:
phys01_brzlsbidate, phys01_brzlrfbdate, phys01_brzetafbdate, phys01_brzbareqdate, phys01_brzbarecdate, phys01_brzbiupdateddate, phys01_brzshipinstrrecdate, phys01_brzbldraftsubdate, phys01_brzweightcontroldate, phys01_brznnblreceiptdate, phys01_brzorigblrecdate, phys01_brzsscocertenterdate, phys01_brziprecdate, phys01_brzphytoenterdate, phys01_brzcoenterdate, phys01_brzfumigcertrecdate, phys01_brzsscocertrecdate, phys01_brzdeadltermdate, phys01_brzdraftdeadldate, phys01_brzcargoallocdate, phys01_brzafi, phys01_brzipnumber, phys01_brzphytonumber, phys01_brzconumber, phys01_brzfumigcertnumber, phys01_brzcontainers, phys01_brzpartialshipment, phys01_brzsplitroll, phys01_brzfta, phys01_brzshiprestrict, phys01_brzcarrierrestrict, phys01_brzcarrycharge, phys01_brzperformance, phys01_brzproblem, phys01_brzrollreason, phys01_brzpersonterms, phys01_brzexportname, phys01_brzpurchaseterms, phys01_brzpersincharge, 
phys01_brzshipterminal, phys01_brzshipinstrfirstdate, phys01_brzphytoissuedate, phys01_brzphytoreldate, phys01_brzcoreldate

Fact06 – Proman Stock

The fact06 column list is pre-defined and must have the following content:
Column A – Fact06_intakedate
Column B – Fact06_terminal
Column C – Fact06_warehouse
Column D – Fact06_shedid
Column E – Fact06_fromterm
Column F – Fact06_toterm
Column G – Fact06_commod
Column H – Fact06_origin
Column I – Fact06_grade
Column J – Fact06_cmycode4
Column K – Fact06_cmycode5
Column L – Fact06_cropyear
Column M – Fact06_conquan
Column N– Fact06_packcode
Column O – Fact06_bags
Column P – Fact06_owner
Column Q – Fact06_conval1
Column R – Fact06_conval2
Column S – Fact06_dept
Column T – Fact06_qa
Column U – Fact06_wtcode

Phys24 - Samples

Columns may be any of the permitted sample fields; these are:

CCC41 – Cotton Class Pricing Table

Column  A         ccc41_name     
Column B          ccc41_up          U = Upland , P= Pima
Column C          ccc41_staple     Integer 2 characters
Column D          ccc41_grade      Grade Code e.g. 11, 12
Column E          ccc41_leaf         Leaf code ( 1 to 7)
Column F          ccc41_cropyear
Column G          ccc41_pd          Numeric – Units (CLB / PTS) depend on S01 setting

CCC42 – Cotton Micronaire Pricing Table

Column  A         ccc42_name     
Column B          ccc42_up                      U = Upland , P= Pima
Column C          ccc42_micmin               Numeric , 1 decimal place
Column D          ccc42_micmax              Numeric , 1 decimal place
Column E          ccc42_staplemin            Integer
Column F          ccc42_staplemax           Integer
Column G          ccc42_cropyear
Column H          ccc42_pd          Numeric – Units (CLB / PTS) depend on S01 setting

CCC43 – Cotton Strength Pricing Table

Column  A         ccc43_name     
Column B          ccc43_up                      U = Upland , P= Pima
Column C          ccc43_strengthmin         Numeric , 1 decimal place
Column D          ccc43_strengthmax        Numeric , 1 decimal place
Column E          ccc43_cropyear
Column F          ccc43_pd                      Numeric – Units (CLB / PTS) depend on S01 setting

CCC44 – Cotton Uniformity Pricing Table

Column  A         ccc44_name     
Column B          ccc44_up                      U = Upland , P= Pima
Column C          ccc44_uniformitymin      Numeric , 1 - 100
Column D          ccc44_uniformitymax     Numeric , 1 – 100
Column E          ccc44_cropyear
Column F          ccc44_pd                      Numeric – Units (CLB / PTS) depend on S01 setting

CCC45 – Cotton Extraneous Pricing Table

Column  A         ccc45_name     
Column B          ccc45_up                      U = Upland , P= Pima
Column C          ccc45_location              T = Texas type , F =  Other
Column D          ccc45_matter                Numeric Code
Column E          ccc45_cropyear
Column F          ccc45_pd                      Numeric – Units (CLB / PTS) depend on S01 setting

CCC46 – Cotton Leaf pricing table

Column  A         ccc46_name     
Column B          ccc46_up                      U = Upland , P= Pima
Column C          ccc46_leaf                     Leaf code ( 1 – 7 )
Column D          ccc46_grade                  Numeric Grade Code
Column E          ccc46_cropyear
Column F          ccc46_pd                      Numeric – Units (CLB / PTS) depend on S01 setting

CCC48 – Cotton Warehouse pricing table

Column  A         ccc48_name     
Column B          ccc48_warehouse          Warehouse account
Column C          ccc48_cropyear
Column D          ccc48_pd                      Numeric – Units (CLB / PTS) depend on S01 setting

CMY112 – Equipment Codes

PROSCHED Asset Style  i.e. ctrl30_assetstyle = P or U.
If any column after the mandatories is to be completed, the tab delimited .txt file must have all the Columns prior to the required column included with their heading
Column  A         cmy112_code                     Mandatory   
Column B          cmy112_descr                     Mandatory
Column C         cmy112_terminal                 Terminal Code ex PHYSCODES Mandatory
Column D         cmy112_warehouse             Client account (CLI) marked as warehouse Mandatory
Column E          cmy112_ownership              L = Leased , O = Owned or R = Rented Mandatory
Column F          cmy112_gainacc                  Nominal A/c
Column G         cmy112_lossacc                   Nominal A/c
Column H         cmy112_vehicle                    Y if a vehicle
Column I           cmy112_owner                     Client account (CLI)  marked as Service provider
Column J           cmy112_ownereffectdate     Date YYYYMMDD
Column K          cmy112_prevowner              Client account (CLI) marked as Service provider
Column L          cmy112_prevownership        L = Leased , O = Owned or R = Rented
Column M         cmy112_oocenddate            Date YYYYMMDD
Column N          cmy112_oocendtime            HHMM
Column O          cmy112_oocstartdate           Date YYYYMMDD
Column P           cmy112_oocstarttime           HHMM
Column Q          cmy112_maintfreq                D , W, M or Y 
Column R           cmy112_maintdays               Integer
Column S           cmy112_mainthrs                  Integer
Column T           cmy112_lastmaintdate          Date YYYYMMDD
Other Asset Styles i.e. ctrl30_assetstyle <> P nor U
If any column after the mandatories is to be completed, the tab delimited .txt file must have all the Columns prior to the required column included with their heading
Column  A         cmy112_code                     Mandatory   
Column B          cmy112_descr                     Mandatory
Column C          cmy112_gainacc                 Nominal A/c
Column D         cmy112_lossacc                   Nominal A/c
Column E         cmy112_vehicle                    Y if a vehicle

EQU01 - Asset Register

Manual Asset Ref i.e. user supplies the Asset Reference . S01 ctrl30_assetref = M or I
If any column after the mandatories is to be completed, the tab delimited .txt file must have all the Columns prior to the required column included with their heading

Column A           equ01_assetref                  Free format max , 9.  Mandatory
Column B           equ01_acqdat                    Date YYYYMMDD  Mandatory
Column C           equ01_acqccy                    Currency Code, gf/CDM
Column D           equ01_assetdescr              Free format, max 255
Column E            equ01_equipcode              Equipment Code ex ASSET/Maintain Equipment
Column F            equ01_acqvalue                 Numeric, max 2 decimal places
Column G           equ01_bookvalue               Numeric, max 2 decimal places
Column H           equ01_matcode                  Material Code ex ASSET/Maintain Material
Column I             equ01_supplier                   Client A/c (CLI) set up as a service provider
Column J             equ01_status                      Asset Status Code ex ASSET/Maintain Status
Column K            equ01_user                          Free format 50 chars
Column L            equ01_locationdescr            Location Code ex ASSET/Maintain Physical Locations
Column M          equ01_serialno                     Free format 30 characters
Column N           equ01_dept                          Department code ex DEPT

Automatic Asset Ref i.e. ITAS assigns the Asset Reference. S01 ctrl30_assetref  <> M nor I
Tab delimited .txt file. The following 13 columns must be in the file as listed.
Column 14 onwards may be any equ01 data field

Column A           equ01_acqdat                    Date YYYYMMDD  Mandatory
Column B           equ01_acqccy                    Currency Code, gf/CDM
Column C           equ01_assetdescr               Free format, max 255
Column D            equ01_equipcode              Equipment Code ex ASSET/Maintain Equipment
Column E            equ01_acqvalue                 Numeric, max 2 decimal places
Column F           equ01_bookvalue               Numeric, max 2 decimal places
Column G           equ01_matcode                  Material Code ex ASSET/Maintain Material
Column H            equ01_supplier                   Client A/c (CLI) set up as a service provider
Column I             equ01_status                      Asset Status Code ex ASSET/Maintain Status
Column J            equ01_user                          Free format 50 chars
Column K            equ01_locationdescr            Location ex ASSET/Maintain Physical Locations
Column L          equ01_serialno                     Free format 30 characters
Column M           equ01_dept                          Department code ex DEPT


NOTE:  TRADEIMP is not a full functioning process available to all ITAS companies.

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