ITAS Release

1st September 2015

This release builds on the Floating Panel functionality delivered in 8.3.2. In particular the History Tab introduces the concept of ITAS Entity and Windows and History menu links have been removed from the main menu and replaced with a single icon for the float panel.

Administrators now have the ability to send a message to all users which will be automatically shown to all users, this is useful when requiring users to log off prior to an update.
Several smaller updates include adding a thick windows border so users can resize the application from any edge, enabling the TD to be pinned to the Windows Task Bar and making use of the Windows ‘Snap’ feature to make using ITAS across multiple monitors easier.

Trader Desktop

New Features

The float panel history tab now groups the ITAS Entities into one of four groups. The entity that is opened will be represented by one of these icons.

Contracts – including Trade and F&O.
Clients – Counterparties.
WIP – collections of work in progress.
Transactions – various transaction documents.

Figure 1: Float  Panel History Tab

The Float Panel now remembers which tabs you have open and will re-open them automatically when you next open the Float Panel. ITAS History and ITAS Windows links have been removed from the main menu and replaces with a single icon representing the float panel. ITAS Windows and ITAS History tabs can be opened directly in the float panel.

Previous icons in the main menu used to open ITAS Windows and ITAS History respectively.

The new ITAS Float Panel icon used to open the Float Panel from the main menu.

Figure 2: Float Panel 'Tab' menu used to open additional tabs

ITAS Administrators now have the ability to send a message to all users. Please note that any messages sent via this feature will be shown to all logged in users automatically.

Figure 3: ITAS Admin Messaging Console

Figure 4: Admin Messaging Recieved

Updates to Existing Features

  •  One TD session per user implemented to enhance integrity of data.
  •  Update to Report Export message conten for Report Administrators.
  •  All Float Panel tabs are opened by default when a user opens the float panel for the first time.
  •  Float Panel opens towards the right of the screen on first open instead of the centre.
  •  Float Panel Pin now ensures the Float Panel stays on top of ITAS windows when activated but not on top of other, non-ITAS programs.
  •  Content of ITAS ‘Overnight Reports’ alert emails updated. The content is still in plain format but the email is in HTML format. Header and footer information added including the sending ITAS  server, ***ITAS Notification*** header and the datetime the alert was generated.
  •  Scrollbar added to ITAS Float Panel.
  •  Windows Border added to the main ITAS window and the Float Panel which means users can re-size the window from any border (previously this was only possible from the window ‘grip’ in the bottom right corner. This function is configurable and if you prefer the thin-border look and feel which only allows resizing from the grip, this can be configured. Please contact us to enable the thin border feature.
  •  Members of the ITASAdministrators group can subscribe to Report Export notifications in their My Alerts section.

Bug Fixes

  •  Overnight Report email alert notifications now sent.
  •  Ensure Float Panel opens on screen when a user moves from multiple to a single monitor.
  •  Float Panel ‘pin’ icon updated.
  •  Bug fixed which resulted in alert emails not sent for new users.

Web Services

New Features

  •  None in this release
  •  Updates to Existing Features
  •  None in this release
  •  Bug Fixes
  •  None in this release

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