Time Managed Activity


A Time Managed Activity (TMA) is a representation of a block of work performed by a Hivedome team member. This can cover time spent on analysis, workshops, configuration and minor developments.

How It Works

Each client agrees a budget in terms of both cost and time that this represents. When an agreed activity has taken place the time spent is harvested against the work item (Trello card) on the appropriate Board. This information can be reported on a regular basis and budgets reviewed at any time.

Recurring Charges

For clients where there are expected to be ongoing budget requirements, charges will be levied at the same time as other ITAS subscriptions (maintenance) and as such, payment is in advance of the quarter of use. Time is drawn down over the quarter, and the cap is effectively your balance. If there is a surplus it will be rolled over and topping up is possible where unexpected spikes in time are required.

For example, if the agreed hours was 10 per month then on your quarterly billing the cost for 30 hours would be included. 

Adhoc Charges

For clients where development is less regular, a budget can be maintained by standard invoice (HI). As above, a number of hours can be agreed to cover an expected requirement (e.g. a complex business requirement or set of projects) and the hours consumed will again be tracked via Trello/Harvest for the sake of transparency. The associated cost will be invoiced upfront and time drawn down with no expiration date.

NOTE: This facility is available to all clients irrespective of ITAS Services package


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